100% money-back guarantee!

Many (Many!) More Healing Testimonials

All testimonials are real and volunteered. No one has been paid or compensated in any way for their testimonial. These are not a guarantee you will have the same results, as results may vary. Daerick can't guarantee to heal you, but he does guarantee that if you don't notice any difference he will refund your payment 100%.

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Gwen from California

"After a serious accident at 33 years old, Daerick was shown how to heal himself and others"

“I have been on a journey working with energy healers for a long time. I did a lot of therapy with regular therapists, but that never really got me where I wanted to be in my life. So I started doing energy work, and that cleared so much out. I was really lucky to work with an energy healer before Daerick who I liked so much, and we progressed really far and then it just stopped. We didn’t move any further. I knew there was still more clearing and more things that needed to be done, and I just happened to come across Daerick. We’ve done three months of three sessions per week.

I was dealing with a lot of emotional stuff, a lot of abuse from my childhood and my ex husband, and a lot of physical symptoms that weren’t getting cleared up by seeing regular doctors or by seeing regular therapists. Even in the first week of working with Daerick, I felt so much better. All the emotional stuff seemed to be clearing first, and the other different medical things are clearing last.

From how I was doing at first to where I am now, I feel like a totally different person. To me it is amazing. And he makes it so easy! I love that. I had nine things I wanted to work on, which is a lot. They were all about a nine or a 10 when we started. Now, most of them are between a one and a three, except one issue with my mouth and in my throat.

I used to have problems about self esteem or self worth or thinking negative thoughts all the time, which would be a 10. Now I can maybe go days or even a week without those thoughts popping up. When they do pop up, it’s not the end of the world. I don’t go down the rabbit hole. I think about it for a moment. Then I think positively of where I’ve come from and what I’m doing and how I want things to be. It’s not the end of the world kind of stuff. It just goes away and it doesn’t bother me anymore. That’s really cool.

I kept seeing or picking people with whom relationships became abusive. I wasn’t seeing things for what they were and I was trying to change things. That has cleared out a lot. And, the fear, a big one is fear. I was never a negative person, and everything always flowed and it was so easy. I had been working on not thinking negatively and thinking everything’s going to be the end of the world, I’m going to financially lose all my money, I’m not going to have a job and then lose my house. It was just the worst that you could ever think. That’s what I thought 24/7. If any of that pops into my mind now, it’s only for a second. It seems really far away. It’s not right here in me and on me, it’s a distant thing and then I just let it go.

Many things emotionally are so much better and the physical symptoms have gotten better, but those seem to be the hardest. I have been working on figuring out what’s going on with the whole mouth and throat thing that started in April. I was just finishing with my other energy healer and we got nowhere with this. I went to my regular doctor, and he said, “I’ll give you a Z-Pack, but I don’t think you’re sick. I think you need to go see an ear, nose and throat doctor and have him take a look at it,” which I just did today beause I’ve been putting it off.

I know that it’s not a sickness. I know it has something to do with past lives and a lot of the emotional stuff from my current life and some other lives. I went to the specialist today and he said, “There’s nothing wrong with your tongue. Your tonsils, everything is fine.” I said, “No, it burns. I feel like I burnt my tongue or I ate too much candy that’s tart, and you get that awful feeling in your mouth.” It’s not normal, and it’s all red. I feel like my tonsils are swollen. There are bumps on them. The doctor says, “Nope, that’s normal. In the back of my mind, I was thinking, “I know that’s not how it was before.” Now I’ve had two doctors say there’s nothing wrong with me physically. This confirmed even more that it’s stuff energetically from this lifetime and past ones that needs to be cleared out.

My initial consultation was amazing. No one’s ever done this and I’ve seen some really great people. Daerick literally said, “Let me scan your body and tell you what’s going on.” He nailed that, down to things I have never even told any doctors about, or if I had, they’d say, “No, that’s impossible.” He nailed everything. He said, “There’s a lot of tingling and burning of certain areas of your feet. That has to do with nerve endings.” No one’s ever gotten that! Everything he said was true. He even nailed where I had gotten hurt on my right side and my leg and my shoulder. I didn’t say a word, he nailed everything. All he did was ask my name, and then he told me all that. It was confirmation of, “Oh my God, he is as amazing as his website says and as amazing as people say on the web.” I was so excited to start.

Also, he’s so nice! He’s so nice. He doesn’t care how many questions you ask and you can email him if you have any concerns and he always gets back to you the same day and he makes it so enjoyable. You can tell this is his passion. He is so into this.

I’m sure there are a lot of people out there who can afford to do this and not ever think about it financially, but this is a lot of money for me to spend. However, I always say that if I don’t have my mental health and my physical health, what’s the point of being here? I need to feel amazing physically and mentally so I can do everything I want to do and be where I want to be financially and physically. I’ve got to get rid of all this so I can keep moving forward. I don’t mind spending the money on this. You have to choose what you want out of life. If you’re not going to be happy and healthy, to me, there’s no point. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get to that and know that things are actually changing and getting better. That makes all the difference for me.

A lot of time I know that he’s working on me. When we first started, there were some treatments when I felt, Oh, I gotta go lay down, because I could actually feel the energy and I could feel what he was working on. Other times, I can feel my energy level getting a little anxious, but not in a bad way, but I feel there’s energy going through my body. It kind of feels like I cannot catch my breath, sort of like if you were nervous about going on stage to talk in front of a lot of people and you get that energy, that’s what would be happening. And I would be totally normal before that. Then I note the time down because then when he sends me the email, then I see, Oh, that was when that happened. I’ve even mentioned it to him. I don’t always notice his treatments if I’m not working, if I’m really busy. So it’s become a game. Sometimes I don’t notice it, but I can feel the energy. I can feel things going on, which is very cool, and he’s nowhere near you. That’s the most amazing thing. I went to see my energy healer I was working with before here in Santa Barbara in person. It worked, it was amazing. I could feel it, but she couldn’t do and a lot of energy healers can’t do what Daerick does, which is healing from far away. She couldn’t treat me in her office because of COVID, and she could not treat me just from her house in one part of the city to my house here in another part of the city. A lot of energy healers can’t do it if they’re not with you. I can’t even imagine, I wonder if it would be different if Daerick was working on you in person, because it’s so strong coming from wherever he is in Hawaii. He’s going over the world working on people.

His personality, too, is so, so calming and reassuring. He never seems that he’s in a hurry. Who knows how many people he’s worked on a day, but he doesn’t make you feel rushed. If he sets up a 15 minutes talk with you or whatever it is, you don’t feel like, “Oh shit. If I don’t get that in within 15 minutes, am I going to be cut off.” No, you’re not. You’re going to get everything out. And you will feel totally great knowing that you didn’t feel rushed and you will feel like he really does care, which is wonderful.

I don’t know how many hours of sleep he gets, but it can’t be a lot, because sometimes my email telling me that he just did a treatment comes at 6:00 in the morning for me, which would be 3:00 in the morning in Hawaii! And he just shot me an email telling me what he cleared. I look forward to my little email pop up and tell me what was cleared out. Sometimes I get a message at 9:00 PM, which is 6:00 PM his time. There’s no rhyme or reason, especially with doing three times a week. At first I said, Oh, maybe it should be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but in reality it could be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, or it could have been Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday. It’s so interesting how he’s shown when he should work on me and what day and what time. No set appointments.

I just want to say, whether it’s to people listening to this recording or to people reading it, that this is absolutely true. Everything you’re reading and everything we’re saying is absolutely true. It’ll change your life. It will. People need to do it so their lives will be changed forever. They will never look at anything the way they’re looking at life now once they start working with him. I guess it’s as simple as that, for me."

- Gwen from California

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Sarah Hinckley from Massachusetts

"...Over the course of the next couple of weeks, my mom steadily improved one symptom after another until all of her symptoms were either completely gone or hardly even noticeable!! I had my mom back!"

"“I can’t say enough about how amazing this experience was. Daerick and his wife are true earth angels.

My mom had been struggling endlessly with a major bout of depression after her psychologist made the determination to take her off of her depression/anxiety medication Paxil that was no longer effective (after 2O years) and to get on something new.

The process was unbearable.

Everything he tried only made her worse and to top it all off he exacerbated the situation by not responding to her requests for more guidance in a timely manner. I mean he would let her go 3, 4, 5, 6, and sometimes even 7 days without getting back to her!! Talk about making a person feel worthless.

Finally, I got fed up with the whole thing and KNEW there HAD to be a better way. I recalled hearing long ago about distant healers and decided to do a little research online. The first person that popped up was Daerick. As I read his website my insides jumped with excitement. This guy seemed legit, had loads of testimonials, and he offered a money-back guarantee if she didn’t feel better in just two weeks!!

Say whhhhhhhaaat?

Considering the fact that pharmaceuticals take a good 4 weeks to know if they are even the right match AND come with a boatload of horrific side effects, I figured we had absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Plus I was willing to do just about anything to get my amazing, fun, happy mother back.

I reached out and explained the situation via email. I heard back from Daerick the very next day and we scheduled a consultation call for my mom. Already I felt more hopeful than I’d EVER felt working with her psych.

First, let me just paint the picture of how bad the situation was... For weeks my mom hadn’t been able to leave bed for more than 5 minutes at a time because she felt so incredibly awful both physically and mentally. Her depression and brain fog were so extreme that she could hardly hold a conversation. She was unable to focus on anything for more than a few seconds and I knew the depression was robbing her of the will to even want to get better. Her stomach ached to the point that it kept her doubled over 99% of the time. Anxiety was off the charts causing her to take upwards of FOUR lorazepam a day just to get through! A vicious cycle to say the least. She also has a tear in her rotator cuff that would flare up and cause excruciating pain. Sleep? Never for more than a few hours at a time. It was the most gut-wrenching, scary situation to say the least.

During the consultation call, I was immediately struck by how calm and compassionate Dearick was as he spoke. I also felt his authenticity and true belief in his work. Though I was very excited about the prospect of this helping my mom and have always known we are energetic beings, this notion of distant healing still seemed a little “woo-woo” to all of us. Yet, Daerick made it all so easy to understand and was so patient in answering all of our questions. It was clear that Daerick wasn’t just trying to take our money, he truly cared. We decided to move forward.

I noticed subtle shifts in my mom immediately after the first treatment. My mom said she didn’t notice anything as she still felt awful that first week, but I could tell she seemed a little “lighter”. The following week she woke up for the first time without that dreadful stomach ache! We were elated but still a tad bit skeptical that it was perhaps a coincidence. But by Wednesday of that week, it was like a miracle occurred. My mom said she was watching baseball with my Dad and suddenly she was smiling!! Something she hadn’t done in MONTHS! She felt the depression lifting and saw glimmers of her old self again!

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, my mom steadily improved one symptom after another until all of her symptoms were either completely gone or hardly even noticeable!! I had my mom back!

I have tears in my eyes writing this because I know if she stayed on the path she was on, she would still be suffering today...or worse...

There are no words adequate enough to describe my gratitude to both Daerick and his wife Nedrra. The work they do is literally life-changing.

If you are on the fence about working with either of these two gems, it’s time to jump off because they are the real deal and the only regret you will have is not starting sooner."

- Sarah Hinckley from Massachusetts

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

The following are just some of the areas he has been successful in:

Emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts.

Physical issues such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Eczema, heavy metal toxicity, mold exposure, Autism, Epstein Barr Virus, Lymes Disease, viral infections, heart palpitations, thyroid issues, brain fog, Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), menstrual issues, etc.

He also sees a lot of success with Autoimmune diseases such as Hashimotos, Celiac, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile Arthritis, Graves, Psoriasis, Crohns, etc.

Vinhu's Healing Testimonial

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Sally Frank from Minneapolis

"It has been 3 months since I started my work with Daerick and I am happy to say that I am feeling almost 100% better than I have since my health crisis began a little over one year ago."

“I worked with Daerick for 10 weeks in the summer of 2022 during, what I would easily classify as the lowest point in my entire life. What started out as a physical health crisis turned into a full blown mental health emergency that actually brought me to the brink of being in so much pain that I actually wanted to end my life. I was getting back on my feet, physically, but was left in a state of such anxiety, depression and grief that I was desperate to try anything—so much so, that one night, while awake in the wee hours of the morning, I googled ‘spiritual healer’ and Daerick’s name came up. While my left brain was extremely skeptical, telling me not to be taken advantage of by “some charlatan on the internet”, my right brain and intuition were extremely curious and reminded me that Daerick offers a full money back guarantee if he is unable to help you. The right brain finally won the battle and pushed me forward. I had tried many healing modalities including medication, EMDR therapy, Cognitive Behavioral therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, TMS, prayer, meditation, yoga, and exercise. I was told by practitioners that I was the ‘model patient’ doing “everything right.” Yet, the results I got were minimal and the fact that I was working so hard at it made it even more depressing.

In my initial consultation with Daerick, I found him to be a very empathetic listener. I could hear in his voice and ‘feel’ that he truly cares about his clients. He asked many insightful questions to ensure that he had a very good understanding of my situation. I was honest with him and told him that I was skeptical and that he was, basically, a last ditch effort to become well again. He did not ‘overpromise’, explaining that healing never follows the same path in any 2 people, and is highly individualized. However, he did say that after reading my distinct energy pattern, he believed he could make a significant positive difference in my situation. During the time we worked together, he had me keep track of my symptoms and use a rating scale along with comments that would help us measure growth.

The first few times Daerick worked on me, I actually felt a shift in my symptoms for the better. It was very subtle, but for the first time in a very long time I began to feel hopeful about my situation. Because he works remotely, I had no way of knowing when he was working on me, but I would notice the subtle changes in my mood and then later open my email, only to find he had done a session that day. The results are a bit difficult to describe, but the best way I can try is to say that the depression felt like a constant weight and pressure that I carried around with me and felt all of the time. This weight was extremely uncomfortable and made it difficult to function in the world. Much of the weight was contained in my head, shoulders and my heart. After just a few sessions, I actually felt that weight lighten as I was becoming more comfortable in my body. I have no explanation for this, other than to say that Daerick said he was clearing stagnant energy that had built up in various parts of my body. It was really quite extraordinary. I believe that through Daerick’s work, it cleared a path for all of the other modalities I was doing to finally work together and become effective.

It has been 3 months since I started my work with Daerick and I am happy to say that I am feeling almost 100% better than I have since my health crisis began a little over one year ago. Compared to the way I was feeling 8 months ago, when I was seriously considering taking my life, it is nothing short of a miracle to me—which is exactly what I had been praying for. I am deeply grateful to the work that Daerick was able to do remotely and non invasively to my body and my mind, and I am beginning to be able to slowly cut back on some of the medications I was taking for anxiety and depression! I am so filled with hope, and curiosity about how this will all play out in the scheme of my entire life, and how I will be able to use this experience to grow, and hopefully pay it forward to help others grow. I wish any and all reading this much love and light on your individual paths to healing. <3”

- Sally Frank from Minneapolis

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Carly Francisco from New Jersey

"I worked with Daerick shortly after and immediately began to notice some symptoms decrease in severity. My anxiety nearly went away completely. I also noticed significant relief in my colitis symptoms."

“I have been dealing with a variety of unpleasant symptoms since about 2014. I saw a variety of doctors for GI issues, severe brain fog, fatigue, headaches, anxiety, depression and more. In 2014 I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I started using traditional medicine prescribed by a GI doctor but my symptoms progressively worsened. I started to do some research on my own and tried every diet and natural supplement that I could find. Although some diets seemed to alleviate some symptoms, I was never completely healed. For years I felt like I was on a roller coaster. Some days I would feel decent and have little to no symptoms and other days everything was so severe. I felt completely helpless and that there would be no light at the end of the tunnel. I learned about Daerick through listening to one of Anthony William’s podcasts and thought I should learn more about his work.

When Daerick initially read my energy, I knew immediately that I wanted to work with him. The initial reading was completely accurate. He even brought up some things that I didn’t even think to mention about myself but were very relevant to feeling my best! I worked with Daerick shortly after and immediately began to notice some symptoms decrease in severity. My anxiety nearly went away completely. I also noticed significant relief in my colitis symptoms. Daerick’s work is so powerful that I was even able to notice when he was working on me. One day I said to my roommate, “I think Daerick is working on my throat.” Sure enough, I received an email from Daerick stating that he saw some healing in my throat! I was very surprised how quick I began to notice relief and healing. Daerick always responded to emails and followed up with me on my symptom frequency and severity. He is very passionate about what he does and helped me to feel comfortable with every part of the process!”

- Carly Francisco from New Jersey

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Nurhan from California

“My aunt, who is like a mother to me was diagnosed with Stage IV Cancer …and immediately she was rushed to surgery… It didn’t sound promising…the doctors were shocked when they saw the results…saying ‘a tumor doesn’t disappear so quickly just after the first round of chemo treatment…..we’ve never seen such an amazing response before’.

…and just after two months that entire tumor on her bone was completely gone. …today, I am so happy to say she is cancer free.

So, with my own experience, I had this eye infection…and it was very aggressive. …the doctors told me to try to give it some time or they would have to upgrade my prescription from 20/30 to 20/60. …within two weeks with Daerick my vision was back to normal.

…Daerick and Nedrra - both of them - they teach their students how to look at life, how to be more aligned with yourself, how to be more connected with your own soul – because that moves mountains!

When I ‘walked’ into their group healings and saw how many people are benefiting from these sessions, it made me realize that everyone has to hear this story!”

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Martha Wickum from Minneapolis

"About a month after his treatments ended, I went to visit her (she lives in another state). She had been out of bed for the past two weeks, her tremors and stutter had greatly reduced and her depression had lessened."

“My sister-in-law has suffered from numerous chronic mental and physical health conditions for years including depression, suicidal thoughts, severe neurological dysfunctions, intestinal and ovarian issues, recurring kidney stones and infections, chronic pain, migraines, and more. She had severe tremors, spoke with a stutter, and had lost the ability to walk without a walker. As a result, she was bedridden, in and out of the hospital constantly, and unable to care for her young children. Countless doctors have not been able to diagnose or help her. As a last resort, we contacted Daerick and signed up for a healing package. After two weeks, she decided she wasn’t feeling any better and decided not to continue. Daerick honored her request and issued a refund immediately.

I couldn’t get it out of my head that a case as severe as hers would need more than 2 weeks time to see results, so I continued to encourage her to restart the session for the full month. She is not a believer in this type of healing and was afraid that I would be wasting my money if we tried again. Finally, after weeks of cajoling, she accepted my offer to help and we signed up again. While Daerick continued his treatments, she more or less forgot about them and didn’t even fill out the weekly form that he requests to help him guide his treatments. I think she viewed it as a favor she was doing for me but didn’t really believe it would work so she dismissed it before it even began.

About a month after his treatments ended, I went to visit her (she lives in another state). She had been out of bed for the past two weeks, her tremors and stutter had greatly reduced and her depression had lessened. She had not been out of bed for longer than a few hours for the past 8 months so this was definitely a change. She didn’t mention the treatments so I asked if she thought they had helped. Her response – No, not really. I gave her a quizzical look and pointed out how she was out of bed, socializing, and seemed to be feeling better. She gave me a surprised look, as if a lightbulb had gone off, and said – You’re right. I AM feeling better! It was the first time she had connected Daerick’s work with her improvement. She confessed to not doing the homework and brushing off the possibility that this could help her.

The fact that she gave Daerick no guidance throughout the treatments provides me even more evidence that this worked. She is nowhere near 100% but her life is now liveable. The improvements she experienced have allowed her to think more clearly about her health and take better steps to maintain it. She feels happier and her body is not constantly failing her at every turn, which means she can now be a mother again. I believe Daerick’s work has given her a significant part of her life back. Thank you Daerick! ”

- Martha Wickum from Minneapolis

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Patricia Vertibo from San Francisco

"I went to several different practitioners which included a blood pathologist, acupuncturist, nutritionist, and many, many energy healers ... [now] it’s been 2 months since my last healing session with Daerick on 1/12/20 and I can honestly say I am literally 1000 times better than what I was before I started working with him."

“I have been dealing with anxiety for the past 20 years and had been managing it fairly okay after the first 2 years but approximately 3 years ago it escalated and started taking on different symptoms. These symptoms involved feeling extremely ungrounded, visual surrealness, overstimulated, disconnected, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, inability to tolerate stress at work, and anxious feelings. This was extremely frustrating as it became very difficult to cope doing daily activities and especially at work it was so difficult but I put on a brave face and just suffered internally.

I went to several different practitioners which included a blood pathologist, acupuncturist, nutritionist, and many, many energy healers. I finally found an energy healer who made a significant difference but the results weren’t completely sustaining and I knew I needed to research more practitioners. I knew energy healing could be impactful and help because I was getting results but not to the degree that I was wanting as I was still experiencing frequent bouts of those symptoms again.

Then I came upon Daerick’s website after searching the internet. After reading all the information, watching his videos and reading the testimonials, I felt I had found my healer. I still didn’t know what type of results it would yield if any but I had a hopeful feeling and that gave me so much relief. I chose to do 3 sessions a week for 4 weeks and I did start to feel a difference but intuitively I knew I needed another 4 weeks. I started to feel better and better, it was more of subtle gradual changes rather than large changes fast. I chose to end the sessions after the 8 weeks to allow my body to rest from the healings and then re-evaluate. Well it’s been 2 months since my last healing session with Daerick on 1/12/20 and I can honestly say I am literally 1000 times better than what I was before I started working with him. These past 2 months after my last session, I have had the longest stretch of groundedness in 3 years. I don’t have the surreal, disconnected, out of sorts, overstimulated, unable to handle stress, anxious feelings that I had before, at least not often and not for a significant period of time. I’ve maybe experienced it twice these past 2 months for about 5 minutes and then it goes away but even then it’s not even close to the intensity as it was before. I am much calmer and feel myself and normal again.

Daerick truly is a healing facilitator because he got my mind and body to a place where my mind and body were able to take over and finish the rest of the healing. Daerick is such a gift and I am so grateful for his kind spirit and his invaluable healing work. I can’t thank him enough for the life he has given back to me. I still honestly don’t know how he did it but he did and I’m so amazed! What he does is real and what he does gets results. He really does have the skill and even more important, the integrity to do this type of work. WIth such a long struggle of being discouraged, trying to find answers, keeping this hardship to myself and trying to cope on a daily basis, I still can’t believe I actually finally feel normal and functional and really happy again!

Thank you, thank you, thank you Daerick, there really are no words to express how grateful I am for how much you have helped me!”

- Patricia Vertibo from San Francisco

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Seema Seth from Ofallon Missouri

"I am a mother of an 8 year old son who is on the severe side of the autism spectrum ... I started seeing changes from the third week of healing ... I highly recommend his work and would suggest autism parents give him a try."

"I am a mother of an 8 year old son who is on the severe side of the autism spectrum, he is currently nonverbal. As an autism mom, I have tried a lot of things for my boy.. ranging from detox homeopathy, zeolites, various supplements, tibetan herbs. many autism protocols but unfortunately he either reacted badly or had no reaction from them.

Whenever I tried energy healing for him, he would either have severe anxiety episodes or no reaction again.From the age of 4, he has also developed a sort of learning disability which has been quite baffling for us. One day while browsing, I somehow came across Daerick's website, I was immediately drawn to it and decided to give energy healing one last try.

I started seeing changes from the third week of healing, he stopped hitting and biting others. His verbal and hand tics have also seen a considerable improvement. This is our first month's journey, we have a long long way to go but I am quite excited with the positive start.

I can't thank Daerick enough for his work. I do highly recommend his work and would suggest autism parents give him a try. We all know that autism cannot be reversed but he might be able to help you with easing out some of the undesired symptoms."

- Seema Seth from Ofallon Missouri

Zoli Browne

Zoli's Conditions: Hashimoto's, Brain Fog, Autism, Weakened Immune System

“Some say there is your truth, my truth, and THE truth. Personal experience lives somewhere in the middle. As a physical medium and demonologist for over 45 years, I would like to believe I have a handle on perceptive and intuitive phenomena, but nothing prepared me for the experience I had with Dareick’s healing work.

Daerick is the real thing. I had worked with a couple of medical intuitives before I was not impressed. I felt that they could not access what I needed. But Daerick, he's real. We are born in physical bodies to serve, to spiritualize matter. 

We do this best whilst unencumbered by distress in one or more of the experiential bodies...mental, emotional or spiritual.

When Daerick clears encumbered space, this allows the next steps to flow into conscious alignment with our soul purpose, which is always service. It takes time for this to work, immediate results are sometimes apparent but deeper issues require a deeper dive into the pool of healing. 

Only healthy people ask for help. Requesting that Daerick assist in one’s healing is healthy indeed.”

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Marimi Mason from Seattle

"One day during my first week [with Daerick], I woke up smiling and looking forward to the day. Then I saw Daerick’s email and realized he’d done a treatment on me. The following weeks, I started to feel a big shift of no fear and my bloating went away ... Now, I can feel my body vibrating positively and even healing on its own. I feel like I am living in a different body."

“My health started deteriorating when my family grew apart after my mom passed away unexpectedly. I had brain fog, depression, panic attacks, fear, bloating, headaches, fatigue, overwhelm as a single mom, stress, no self confidence, and on and off gaining weight. To top it off I was in an abusive relationship for years that totally deteriorated my self worth. I was on a lot of different medications, going to doctors and specialists, taking antibiotics after another. I got sick of taking them all. I didn’t want to go to work. I was always exhausted and felt like I was dragging myself. I always felt sick. I felt all black in my aura that I couldn’t touch.

I tried many types of meditations, audios, and books. I could not feel myself and nothing seemed to work. I went to different psychics and talked with them about how my aura and chakras needed help. They offered to heal me, but I wanted a healer who only focused on this type of treatment. I found Daerick through my research. I am so humbled by his passion for his work and his willingness to heal everyone who has faith and belief in this treatment.

My first meeting with Daerick, I felt a good connection of comfort. All I remember besides taking notes quietly was tears, because I felt the opening of a door of hope and a confirmation that it is time to heal. Daerick went on to say he would be able to help heal me. I utilized all the resources Daerick suggested such as mantras, blogs, and resources to prepare myself. I accepted this would not be a right away treatment, but would need faith, patience and my openness to the treatment.

One day during my first week, I woke up smiling and looking forward to the day. Then I saw Daerick’s email and realized he’d done a treatment on me. The following weeks, I started to feel a big shift of no fear and my bloating went away. I was consciously careful of what I ate without the thought of a diet. I got stronger everyday. I improved at my job, my confidence spiked up, and I am able to paint, sketch, and be creative. Now, I can feel my body vibrating positively and even healing on its own. I feel like I am living in a different body. I was strong enough to move away from an abusive relationship and manage myself with great confidence. The moment Daerick told me he healed my foggy brain was a turning point.

The treatment was the key, and my body responded to Daerick’s amazing gift. I finally pursued deep meditations and was able to feel my energy and was able to see the capacity of my body to continue healing with grace. Now I have grown spiritually and am continuing. My experience is beyond “No words.”

I will always remember Daerick’s guidance and will stay in touch. He is amazing and always sealed in my heart.”

- Marimi Mason from Seattle

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Alexandra Palafox from Houston

"My son’s depression has completely lifted, and is now a happy and active teenager in all areas of his life ... I have my son back and all thanks to Daerick Lanakila ... I am forever grateful."

“I want to share my story in hopes of helping other parents that have sons or daughters who are currently suffering from depression. It has been a scary and sad time for me as a parent. You think of all the things you might have done wrong in raising them, blaming yourself, feeling completely helpless as you watch your child suffering in silence.

My son is 16 years old. He is an honor roll student, has many good friends and is an avid writer and hopes to write and direct movie films in the future. His life was good, however, in January of 2020 I noticed him becoming more withdrawn, and his smile slowly began disappearing. He stopped hanging out with his friends, and completely stopped writing. I knew in my heart that something was very wrong. I tried talking to him, hoping he would tell me what he was going through, yet he denied anything was wrong. I would repeatedly let him know that whatever he was dealing with, that he does not have to go through it alone and that I would do whatever needed to be done to help him.

It wasn’t until one day he finally came to me and said that he can no longer deal with how he was feeling on his own and asked me to please find help for him. My heart sank, but at the same time relieved that he finally had the courage to come to me. We spoke about his feelings and the internal struggles he had been battling with. I immediately began to search for the best type of help for him. I initially took him to see a licensed counselor, which went ok. My son seemed to enjoy his appointments with him, however I really did not see much of a difference in him. It was suggested that he also see a Psychiatrist in order to get him on anti-depression medications. I did not feel comfortable going that route because of the various side effects that can occur while taking those types of medications, especially in younger people. The huge RED FLAG for me was the possibility of having thoughts of suicide and the possibility of acting upon it while taking anti-depressants. That terrified me to my core. I also did not want a “band-aid” to simply mask his symptoms, I wanted someone to get to the root cause of his depression and address it directly, so that he could heal from it. So, my search to find help for him continued.

The turning point for us was when I ran across Daerick Lanakila’s website. I was completely drawn to his type of work; I read all the information provided in his website including his Bio and testimonials. He described his childhood in his Bio, which really resonated with some of my son’s childhood. On top of that he offers a money back guarantee! Who does that? Obviously, someone who is confident enough in his ability to help heal others. I felt we had nothing to lose but everything to gain, so I reached out and requested a consultation. I had a wonderful consultation with him! He is the most humble, caring and straight shooter individual you will ever meet. He clearly explains what and how energy healing works, answered all my questions and concerns and went over what to expect during his treatment with my son and what we need to do to inform him of his progress. I asked him if he would be willing to speak to my son prior to proceeding with the treatment, and he absolutely agreed and spoke with him because I wanted my son to meet him and answer any questions he had. My son felt very comfortable speaking to him and went as far as saying that he is a cool, down to earth guy and that he felt understood by him and felt he would be able to help him.

As far as the actual treatment went, it was really good. It is to be expected to feel better with certain issues that you are feeling then regress a bit, however we were patient and allowed the healing to continue. Let me mention that a couple of weeks into his treatment with Daerick Lanakila, my son requested that he no longer felt the need to talk to the Licensed Counselor he was seeing. I saw enough improvement to cancel his appointments. I ended up purchasing 2 session packages because of the dramatic results I saw in my son’s depression. I wanted to make sure that Daerick Lanakila addressed all of his issues pertaining to his depression. It was totally worth every penny! My son’s depression has completely lifted, and is now a happy and active teenager in all areas of his life. Most of all he is now back to writing his screenplay! I have my son back and all thanks to Daerick Lanakila.

I am a firm believer in Energy Healing, and want to let anyone who has any doubts that it is REAL and it is a wonderful way of healing all sorts of issues either physical, emotional and/or spiritual. Western medicine has us believe that the only way to heal any type of ailment is to seek a professional doctor. If you think about it, most medications that are prescribed to us are simply there to mask our symptoms, not actually cure them, and sadly enough the side effects sometimes are worse that the original issue.

I highly recommend that anyone who would like to experience true Energy Healing to please contact Daerick Lanakila, you will NOT be disappointed. I am forever grateful for Daerick Lanakila!”

- Alexandra Palafox from Houston

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Christy Alexander from Washington

"Before I started working with Daerick, I had tried all kinds of different healing modalities to work with a lifelong pattern of food sensitivities, migraine headaches, and nerve pain ... Since working with Daerick, my migraines have improved about 90%, which is unbelievable to me."

“Before I started working with Daerick, I had tried all kinds of different healing modalities to work with a lifelong pattern of food sensitivities, migraine headaches, and nerve pain, especially in my neck. I’d had a number of injuries and persistent digestive and skin problems. I also had depression and anxiety and was having a hard time finding my way out of that.

The weird thing is, I can’t even remember exactly how I encountered Daerick’s website. I can kind of remember that somebody in a Facebook group had shared his website, but things like that come around often and sometimes it just doesn’t resonate. But I’m pretty intuitive, and I felt an immediate awareness that I needed to get in touch and see if he could help me out. I clicked on it and felt that clear ‘yes’ feeling in my body, so I decided to contact him and see about working together.

My symptoms have been going on for most of my life. Even when I was a very small child, I had migraine headaches. I can remember them in kindergarten, but they might’ve been happening earlier than that. My parents told me I was a colicky infant, which I think means the baby is having sensitivities to whatever they’re getting, breast milk or whatnot. I joke with people that I was born in a dark night of the soul. It certainly hasn’t been just doom and gloom my whole life, but it’s always felt like there’s something I’m trying to come out from under and that it is difficult to find my way around.

I tried acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, different kinds of bodywork, Reiki, and naturopathic medicine. I’d come a certain way in my healing. A lot of other modalities are super helpful, but it takes so much maintenance. Sometimes it would work for a while and then not work as well. I’m not discounting any of those other modalities of healing, but it just felt like I couldn’t really get traction with those or I would need to have appointments at a frequency I couldn’t manage with working and the cost of it and it seemed like it would barely scratch the surface.

When Daerick and I had a consultation over the phone, he invited me to talk about what was going on. It wasn’t just me talking about what was going on and him listening, though. He was tuning in to my energy on a deeper level. That was clear with the insights he was able to draw out. He was able to hone in on and highlight a couple things I hadn’t talked about. It was almost uncanny that he was able to see it. I felt immediately that he was really tuned in to what was happening in my body from a distance. I really appreciated his combination of compassion, love, and experience, and him being very pragmatic, thorough, and attentive to making sure he isn’t promising anything unrealistic.

I also really respect his integrity in saying he wasn’t going to proceed unless there was a certain probability of being able to help based on his assessment and that there may be other things he’d recommend that I do to really get the full benefit of the healing. He is so ethical; if he doesn’t think he’s the right person to help you, he will say, ‘Hey, it’s not the right fit’ or whatnot. I really respected his approach.

Daerick has such a great system on the website where you can go in and track what’s happening with you and rate different symptoms on a scale from zero to 10. I’m really glad he does that because I think otherwise, it would have been easy to just start feeling better without really tracking what was happening. He’d let me know different times that he was working on me, but he made it clear that I may not feel anything or experience anything directly when he’s working on me. The effects may unfold as I’m proceeding through my day and my week.

I started to feel a lot less digestive upset, my skin started to clear up, and my headaches drastically reduced in frequency. My neck and nerve pain drastically reduced in severity. Really, I started to feel so much more excited and hopeful about what was happening.

I would keep track of all that on my symptoms chart. It was really good to know that Daerick was also tracking the changes in specific symptoms on the website and tailoring things to what I needed at the moment and giving me feedback as to what he saw and experienced with my healing.

I’m a psychotherapist, and even though it’s been Covid, I’m still seeing clients. In general, for therapists, this has been one of the more challenging times we’ve encountered because people are facing all kinds of circumstances. Despite all this, while working with Daerick, I felt more ability to regulate myself with all the other tools that I use: meditation, yoga, and different types of exercise. It was as though some barrier to accessing the benefits of those had been removed.

Since working with Daerick, my migraines have improved about 90%, which is unbelievable to me. And here’s the truth of it: the very few times I’ve gotten a migraine since I’ve worked with Daerick have been times I knowingly ate foods that are not optimal for me, and I know could cause a migraine. The crazy thing is, Daerick said over time, I may become less sensitive to those. And I have, it’s just not 100% less sensitive. With certain foods, that’s on me, and the same with the nerve pain. If I eat things that are more inflammatory in nature, or burn the candle at both ends or push myself beyond what I know is right and good in terms of my pace of work and routine, yeah, I’ll experience some symptoms, but it really feels so much easier to unwind those. The nerve pain has been about an 80% improvement, and digestive stuff is about 80%, too. My skin is cleared up 100%, which is amazing.

In terms of the depression and anxiety, I’ll feel a little bit of that, or even have thoughts connected to that, but they don’t seem to stick as much. This is what’s really cool: I feel it’s so much less sticky. It’s clear to me what I need to do at those times to unravel it. Recently I was realizing, “Okay, I live in the Pacific Northwest, and it’s getting to be that time of year where it’s darker and colder. I need to increase my exercise, especially getting out earlier in the day when it is light out,” and stuff like that. I just started doing that and came up with some other workout routines, which is huge for my emotional wellness. I feel like Daerick’s work removed a couple of layers, a couple of huge layers, that were the energy that was blocking me from accessing the tools and skills and abilities to set myself right. I’m really grateful.”

- Christy Alexander from Washington

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Marie Benedetta

"After my sessions with Daerick I went back to the doctors and requested another ultra sound and my liver/gallbladder were in normal range! *I did not do anything else than Daerick’s sessions!"

“I was deep in a phase of lacking motivation… like a bubble around me keeps me from feeling like myself. The Fatigue I felt was keeping me from being in optimal performance around my work.

My sleep was also being compromised as well as my sense of taste and smell! It was the oddest funk I have ever been in. My liver and digestion were also very off – I had an ultra sound before I had a session with Daerick where it indicated that my liver was swollen by ¼ inch…with all these symptoms I had a level of anxiety that I could not shake.

After my sessions with Daerick I went back to the doctors and requested another ultra sound and my liver/gallbladder were in normal range! *I did not do anything else than Daerick’s sessions! It seemed that a cloud of whatever wasn’t mine to hold left my body and I had myself back! Great sleep, my taste and sense of smell, motivation, and a great grounded feeling as I moved thru my day!”

- Marie Benedetta

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Jessica Hesse

"I highly recommend him to anyone that is thinking about trying him because you truly have nothing to loose and a lot to gain!"

“Working with Daerick was a very positive experience. I happen to be one of the people that didn’t really respond to his work but he was so caring and professional throughout the whole process and refunded me immediately after I decided to stop at 2 weeks. I highly recommend him to anyone that is thinking about trying him because you truly have nothing to loose and a lot to gain! Thank you Daerick for your hard work and dedication to helping so many people :)”

- Jessica Hesse

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Evelyn Cruz from Washington DC

"I had never tried distance healing before ... My daughter suffered from moderate to severe eczema ... Within a week, there was a drastic improvement in my daughter’s skin."

“I am incredibly grateful for taking the leap of faith to work with Daerick for both myself and my 9 year old daughter. I had never tried distance healing before, but during an online search I somehow came to Daerick’s website and was drawn to his work and the testimonials.

I was doing an online search primarily for my daughter as she suffered from moderate to severe eczema since she was a few years old, and she was still suffering after almost a year of constant eczema with dry, tight, itchy, and very inflamed patches all over her body. But then I connected to the testimonials because I had been going through some chronic issues after having an adverse reaction to a potent antibiotic 5 years ago including headaches/migraines, digestive troubles and reflux, and neurological issues (numbness, pain, and a recent scary episode of a spasm where I lost control of both my hands).

I decided to do a consult with Daerick despite some of my own skepticism with distance healing. During the consult, I explained my daughter’s and my issues, and there was this immediate connection with Daerick and this gut feeling that he understood us and could help us. Within a week, there was a drastic improvement in my daughter’s skin. After a few weeks, it continued to improve and then it plateaued slightly. I discussed this with Daerick, and I decided to continue with another 4 weeks of treatment for my daughter. I am so glad we did because after those 4 weeks, we got to a point where her body was strong enough and as I write this (over a month and a half after stopping treatment) her skin is still doing great and is the calmest it’s been in years.

For myself, the healing has been both deep and physical, in which after 2 weeks my headaches and overall pain improved dramatically. The “deep” I speak of is something beyond and is truly at an energetic level—there is the awareness I now possess that I didn’t before in that when I do have a symptom or feel unwell, I am able to acknowledge it and then the feelings or pain pass rather quickly. I am amazed at the healing I experienced and continue to experience after just 4 weeks of Daerick’s treatments.”

- Evelyn Cruz from Washington DC

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Olesya Tarasovna from Boston

"At age of 16 I was diagnosed with hormonal imbalance and severe premenstrual syndrome ... I started to develop fatigue, depression, muscle pain ... My improvements where slow but stable. Daerick helps with directing energy and body heal itself which takes time. My anxiety and depression went to 0, fatigue and cramps improved significantly. I don’t need to take pain relievers anymore."

“At age of 16 I was diagnosed with hormonal imbalance and severe premenstrual syndrome when I lived in Ukraine. I’ve tried hormonal therapy and took pain killer but it didn’t helped me. I started to develop fatigue, depression, muscle pain...

When I moved to US (at age of 25) I went to few different doctors and they told me that my blood tests are fine and I am healthy. I started to do my own research on Google. I’ve tried Nutritional Balancing Program where diagnoses created based on hair tissue analysis. It showed that I am in adrenal burnout state caused by inflammation and toxins. I was prescribed supplements that would make my body detox itself. I felt better at beginning but then it got worse. Supplements where too strong for my sluggish liver and other organs.

Next I’ve tried to get cured by traditional Chinese medicine: customized herbs, Qi Gong and acupuncture. I would get slightly better, but I wasn’t really healing. It went for 3 years without a break throughout.

At that point I got interested in energy healing and I already understood that I might have blocks that on a way. I was praying for a healer and few months later I was redirected to Daerick’s website by one of my friends. I had great connection even before first appointment. I felt stronger energy flow in my body for couple days.

During my appointment Daerick was able not only to see unhealthy areas of body with associated imbalance but also identify blocks (fear from past life) and deeper energy patterns that where main reasons of my falling health. I went ahead and started to work with Daerick for few months. I felt peace and I was in wonderful mood first two weeks after he released blocks. It was a nice surprise and I wanted to stay forever in this state. :)

My improvements where slow but stable. Healer helps with directing energy and body heal itself which takes time. My anxiety and depression went to 0, fatigue and cramps improved significantly. I don’t need to take pain relievers anymore.

In general I have a feeling of a new person. I highly recommend you to book an appointment with Daerick and take your chances. You deserve to be healthy. Thank you! Much love and light.”

- Olesya Tarasovna from Boston

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Vibhu from California

"Before I met Daerick, my main symptom was this pain that comes and goes all over my body ... Then sciatica came ... "

“Before I met Daerick, my main symptom was this pain that comes and goes all over my body. It started in my early teens, or late teens, maybe around 18. It started as lower back pain and gradually got worse, traveling from the lower back to the upper back and then my shoulder and different joints and muscles. At one point, my ribs got really stiff and I couldn’t breathe really well. Then sciatica came. So it’s been going on for the last 15, 16 years. I’ve been to many chiropractors and various Western medicine practitioners. I’ve tried Eastern medicine, natural remedies, everything. Everything worked for a while, and then I’d just go back to the same cycle of pain. That was my life before. I continued struggling with this pain and continued trying to find a cure or trying to find someone who could make me feel better.

I found Daerick because one friend of mine suggested I should work with an energy healer. Two years ago, if somebody would have told me that, I would have said, “What are you talking about? I don’t even trust that stuff.” But the last two years, I’ve been on this spiritual path and doing more meditation and learning like how my thoughts can change my body and the healing effect of thought and understanding the quantum physics. As a science student, I learned physics. I knew what quantum physics was, but lately I’ve been learning about applying in life. When my friend said, “Oh, we should look for someone who can do healing,” of course I googled it. I searched healers in Sacramento, and Daerick showed up there.

Daerick was the first energy healer I ever visited. I’ve been doing meditation and then working myself, like changing my thoughts and changing how I see myself. I was doing a lot of self improvement and self work. Then I heard about Daerick and I watched videos about him just to get to know him a bit more before I reached out to him. I did some homework, and I liked how he sounded really honest. Also, I liked his refund policy that if you don’t feel better, he’ll refund the money. I said, “Okay, nothing to lose. Why don’t I give it a try.”

Honestly when I talked to Daerick for the first time during the initial consultation, I was a little shocked. First he did some reading on me during the call and he pointed out some stuff that made me think, “How does he know this about my health?” Then, when he explained how he works, I thought, “Okay, this is completely different, I’ve never done it that way.” He told me I don’t have to do anything from my side. He will just send me an email about the healing afterwards, and then, that’s it. It was a very different way of somebody treating you. The skeptical mind, the analytical mind just comes and says, “Is it going to be really real? How can I trust that he’s going to do something like that?” But, I went with him because I have already spent thousands of dollars. I have spent a lot of money on my health, but nothing has helped. He sounded good. It works. It’s going to be good for me. If it doesn’t, it’s just a few more thousand dollars. That’s what I thought, and that’s why I went with it. “Let’s give it a try,” I thought.

Being skeptical, I talked to Daerick before we got started. I said, “Hey, I take some supplements, and I avoid this kind of food to manage my symptoms. I’m going to start eating every single thing. I’m going to stop taking any supplemental medication so I can really see that what work you’re doing is actually helping me.” ** The first week into it, I didn’t see much improvement. The second week was a little better, and then I felt worse after the first week or maybe the middle of my second week. I felt really, really worse. Then, everything started to change. By the end of the second week, it was ‘wow’ different. I was eating things that I had been avoiding for years and I was still managing my pain. My pain didn’t go away a hundred percent, but it didn’t get worse. I was shocked. Something was working. I was not taking any medication or I was not doing any elimination diet, but the pain still felt okay, I could deal with it. The pain was at least 40, 50% better. Previously, when I, let’s say, ate sugar, I got pain right away. I was shocked, and so I said, okay, let’s continue.

We did the first four weeks of treatments where he did three treatments a week. I completed the whole thing and I felt a lot better after four weeks, and then I had a consultation with Daerick again to touch base. He said my body definitely felt much better, and I can feel that too. My body is feeling a lot better. I’m not in as much pain as I used to be in, and I’m not doing anything special. Before, if I ate sugar, or I would say, Oh, I must have eaten that thing that causes the pain. Now I don’t even have to think about what I’m eating because I’m not in so much pain. He suggested I should follow this, this, this, and do some work, and I’ve been doing it. I’m still feeling a lot better. I wouldn’t say I’m a hundred percent better, but I’m a lot better than I used to be. When you’ve struggled with something like that for years and years, it starts becoming your personality. It’s part of your life, and you identify yourself with that issue. I’m happy to see this part of me just going away and not identifying me. What I’m finding is that my family was affected by it too. What we would be doing in a day would depend on how I was going to feel. We couldn’t plan a day outing a week in advance, say going for camping or hiking, because I didn’t know how I was going to feel on the certain day. Now it’s going away and it’s a little better.

That’s why I wanted to reach out and say now I fully believe that something is there. I’m from an engineering background and I always take things analytically. For me to trust that somebody can be sitting in Hawaii and can heal me without even letting me know, that was just amazing.

I think everybody should give it a try at least. He’s amazing. I don’t know how it works. I’m still trying to find out how, and I would love to know more about how energy healing works, but this is real. My pain has changed. I’ve tried every single thing and nothing worked before up to this extent. So this is amazing. Thank you, Daerick.

** Disclaimer: Please consult with your medical team before discontinuing any health protocol you are currently following, including supplements and diet.”

- Vibhu from California

Margot improved her anxiety, depression and thyroid issues...

Margot Miller, California

Margot's Conditions: Debilitating anxiety and depression, thyroid issues, high blood pressure, hormonal issues.

“I got sick…with a neurological disease and at the time no one could diagnose me… It’s crazy …going from being a healthy, active person to just staring at the wall and be like, ‘what, happened, to my body??’ …my body was giving out and it was becoming too exhausting to just push myself through life……

When I first started working with [Nedrra and Daerick] I noticed really big emotional improvements, things started healing internally and slowly I began to get my physical health back. And once I got that back, I realized that there was so much more to go in terms of spirituality and evolution.

And it’s really been a life altering experience. …It’s like a totally deeper, more enriched soulful life that you get to receive… and Daerick and Nedrra are the portal to get you to where you were meant to be.”

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Taye Sameshima from Canada

"After our first consult, I was completely blown away at the specific detail he gave in recognizing my energy patterns. I am no longer consumed every day by my bloating problems as they have definitely improved, along with various other improvements in my body & energy. I feel like I am enjoying life without a cloud of health problems in my way for the first time in years."

“I came across Daerick during my search for energy healers online. I was seeking alternative treatments after having little success with traditional medicine. I started experiencing bloating, gas, and digestive issues a couple years back. It had gotten increasingly worse over those couple years. It was something that consumed me every day and made me feel very uncomfortable and self concious. It felt like it was the only thing I would think about constantly.

I initially attributed my symptoms to the implications of my busy lifestyle. I had become incredibly busy and developed poor lifestyle habits, poor eating habits, poor sleep, high stress, etc. I decided I needed to make a change and did. I was adamant about having good eating habits, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, managing my stress, exercising regularly. It helped a bit but still I had these symptoms every day.

I tried tests through my doctor for things like celiac or lactose. I tried different diets, some very restrictive. I tried acupuncture. I tried all kinds of supplements for bloating / gut problems. I worked with a Naturopath. I was diagnosed with SIBO and did natural antibiotic treatments / supplements and very specific diets. Nothing seemed to help and I felt very disheartened.

I figured I had nothing to lose with a consult and a good guarantee so I made an appointment for a consult with Daerick. After our first consult, I was completely blown away at the specific detail he gave in recognizing my energy patterns. He was able to shed light on the deeper root of the problem that stemmed from much farther back than my busy lifestyle. I knew right then I wanted to give it a try.

I did the 8 treatment package and would absolutely have done more if I could afford it. I am still working at healing further and getting to a place of great health. But I am no longer consumed every day by my bloating problems as they have definitely improved, along with various other improvements in my body & energy. I feel like I am enjoying life without a cloud of health problems in my way for the first time in years.”

- Taye Sameshima from Canada

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Melissa Luyben from California

"Daerick has given me a quality of life that is amazing. I am typing this testimony up which is something I could not have done a few months ago. He has helped me not only improve my physical health but also helped me release emotional patterns that have not been supportive. I am a stronger, happier, healthier woman because of Daerick. He has saved my life!"

“I truly feel that Daerick Lanakila is a miracle worker. I have been working with him consistently since May and have almost fully recovered from a severe health issue.

In August 2016 I went to the emergency room two times because I could not feel my left arm, felt numbness tingling in my legs or lift my head very well. I had 5 MRIs and 5 CAT scans and they could not discover what exactly was happening. Over a span of nine months I saw a General Health Practitioner, Neurologist, Chiropractor, Sports medicine doctor, Naturopath, 2 Acupuncturists, Medical Intuitive Doctor, Spiritual healers and I visited these doctors several times each.

During my visits they would try their technique and not make consistent improvement. In fact some of the Doctors made me feel like I was crazy or was making the whole thing up. I was in so much pain daily and spent most of the day in bed or a warm bath. I refused to take medication from the neurologist because I knew that would not solve the problem. I was desperate to find help and kept praying and searching. I read Anthony Williams’ book and finally felt like someone knew what was going on. I found Daerick after searching for more ways to further my healing with Anthony Williams.

During our first session I felt hope with Daerick. He instantly recognized where the pain was generating from and began to work on me. The first few months I noticed a shift occur immediately after our sessions. My body felt calmer and the symptoms would stop for awhile.I knew it was a result of our sessions because I was not working with anyone else. During the session we would quickly check in and then review after what he had worked on. I felt Daerick’s work was improving my health so I consistently met with him and still do today.

Daerick has given me a quality of life that is amazing. I am typing this testimony up which is something I could not have done a few months ago. He has helped me not only improve my physical health but also helped me release emotional patterns that have not been supportive. I am a stronger, happier, healthier woman because of Daerick. He has saved my life!”

- Melissa Luyben from California

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Carol Hopkins, Vedic Astrologer

"Five years ago I began having a very deep persistent cough ... After our first time speaking I felt that his insight was amazing and I haven’t used the inhaler since. I am sleeping much better and longer and don’t wake up wheezing. I have gone from being able to hardly do 20 jumping jacks on my rebounder without wheezing to being able to do 200... this sounds wild but it’s true. I used to have to sit down after walking up the steps due to wheezing. Now I bound up the steps, walk uphill and do all sorts of things that were difficult or impossible just 4 weeks ago."

“Five years ago I began having a very deep persistent cough. The doctor I saw thought it was pneumonia so I took a round of antibiotics which didn’t help. Being a mystery I had a chest x ray which showed nothing suspicious so he suggested I see an immunologist which I did. After some tests it was his conclusion that I had reactive airway syndrome. I tried a medication for a month that didn’t work. I’ve always been one to avoid taking medications so this was challenging for me. He then suggested that I could take steroids which I chose not to do. I didn’t want to compromise my already delicate immune system at the time. I did however take a prescription for an inhaler as there were times when it was difficult to breathe.

I set out to find something natural that would be helpful in the hope of healing and not just dealing with symptoms. Over the course of the past five years I have tried many modalities and supplements, too many to mention. Some of them were helpful and some not but that was the journey I had chosen. Several months ago it became very difficult to breathe as I was so congested every morning. I would sit for an hour in the morning coughing and trying to clear my lungs so I could breathe without having to use the inhaler. I had gotten to the point where I was needing to use it nearly every day for a few weeks.

I began to consider taking the steroids as I felt that it was getting out of hand. I did start taking some Ayurvedic herbs and churnas which I felt were the most helpful thing I had found but herbs take time. I just happened to be searching for info on an energy healing modality and Daerick’s site popped up at the top of the list. I read the first testimonial and it was someone with a lung infection that had cleared up so I took that as a sign.

I felt instantly that I was being guided to contact Daerick after seeing his picture and reading his story. I was also impressed by his willingness to refund the fee if he was unable to help. Needless to say I had already spent quite a lot looking for answers. Long story short, and five years of not breathing well feels like a long story, within the first month of working with Daerick I would say that I have seen a 75% improvement in my situation.

After our first time speaking I felt that his insight was amazing and I haven’t used the inhaler since. I am sleeping much better and longer and don’t wake up wheezing. I have gone from being able to hardly do 20 jumping jacks on my rebounder without wheezing to being able to do 200...this sounds wild but it’s true. I used to have to sit down after walking up the steps due to wheezing. Now I bound up the steps, walk uphill and do all sorts of things that were difficult or impossible just 4 weeks ago.

I was so surprised by how quickly and dramatically I felt the shift. I am continuing with lots of herbs, yoga, walking exercise and engaging more fully with the things and loved ones that bring me joy. I will just end by saying the biggest gift of all of this has felt to be a renewed sense of well being on many levels.

Daerick is a kind compassionate healer who is very respectful and validating. Working with Daerick gave me a bump up in energy that I needed to continue on my healing journey. I can’t begin to understand how these things work. It feels to be part of the great mystery.

I can only feel deep gratitude after so many years of things being so hard that they are now so much lighter. The simple joy of being able to walk up the stairs brings a huge smile to my face :)”

- Carol Hopkins, Vedic Astrologer

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Bobbi Roberts, 3 time Emmy Award Winner, from Los Angeles

"With Daerick’s kind and loving healing, the infections in my lungs cleared up and the horrible coughing fits went away after just three sessions. I am so GRATEFUL! My heavy fatigue improved greatly after a few more times and I continued to see improvements session after session."

“Aloha! I was hesitant to contact Daerick at first, but I am so very grateful and happy I did. From the first time we had a conversation, I was deeply and emotionally touched. He could see me, the total me. He saw that I wanted to be invisible and hidden. He saw that I blocked sensitive feelings I received from others, both as a child and now as an adult. I felt like I was drowning and going down faster in life. I didn’t know where to turn for help. I tried contacting doctors, healing myself, and nothing worked until I met Daerick. The doctors could not see the virus in my body, but Daerick did. He saw that the virus was in many areas of my body, much more than I knew existed. Being 71 years old, I guess I gave the virus time to grow.

With Daerick’s kind and loving healing, the infections in my lungs cleared up and the horrible coughing fits went away after just three sessions. I am so GRATEFUL! My heavy fatigue improved greatly after a few more times and I continued to see improvements session after session. I feel like I am making progress. I am improving emotionally, mentally, and physically after each session. I am starting to feel like my old self again. I am taking more and longer walks and even starting to garden again. My thoughts are more positive and I feel HAPPY and not stressed most of the time. It has been a huge improvement for me to be over feeling fatigued and depressed. And most importantly, I am drawing again.

My creative block that has been here for years is coming down. Daerick, I am deeply grateful for you, thank you for sharing your healing talents with the world. If you are someone who is suffering and in need of help, please don’t hesitate to call Daerick. PLEASE! Call Daerick!! THANK YOU!”

- Bobbi Roberts from California

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Elizabeth from California

"I have felt an expansive sense of self throughout our treatments, moments of divine bliss, less anxiety and more energy. I recommend working with Daerick!"

“I’m currently doing my third round of healing with Daerick.

Daerick has supported me in healing the emotional and physical roots of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Daerick is also supporting me in healing abandonment wounds.

I have felt an expansive sense of self throughout our treatments, moments of divine bliss, less anxiety and more energy. I recommend working with Daerick!”

- Elizabeth from California

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Nick from California

"I’ve struggled with anxiety since about my mid twenties ... The process of working with him was kind of weird. I felt it right away, kind of early, and it was pretty impactful ... I would definitely recommend Daerick. He was great to work with, and just a really kind person with obviously positive energy, and I appreciated it. I could see myself in the future working with him again."

“I’ve struggled with anxiety since about my mid twenties. That was the main reason I was looking to work with someone like Daerick. I got chest pains and palpitations. My whole upper body was tight and things like that. Prior to Daerick, I’d say my anxiety was really high. The intensity was fairly high and it was pretty constant. Although it’s not like I don’t still have anxiety, it’s certainly improved by quite a bit. I barely ever get palpitations anymore, which is just kind of crazy to me, because I was getting them fairly regularly and the palpitations are really uncomfortable. They’re apparently benign, but, it was just really uncomfortable, and it would just kind of feed the beast. The anxiety would continue to rise and rise.

I worked with Derek and much to my surprise and appreciation, I got quite a bit of relief. It’s been sustained and overall, I feel a lot better. Mainly, for me, it was the anxiety and the palpitations and the chest pain. I’ve seen improvements in all those areas, as well as little other areas that he was working on, like my digestive system and things like that. Everything just seems to feel a little bit better and I overall feel a lot healthier mentally. I’m really happy with the results.

I had tried lots of things to find relief before working with Daerick. Of course. I mean, like anybody, right? Medications, diet changes, all kinds of different stuff. I never had anything that really worked, including the medication. It doesn’t actually work. It doesn’t. I think by the time a person gets to a point where they’re looking at virtual healing, they’ve probably exhausted quite a few options.

I found him because I literally Googled healers. I remember watching a guy on MTV, some young Australian kid who would touch people. I was like, well, you know, let’s give it a shot. What am I going to lose? Just some money? Whatever. That’s not a huge deal to me compared to the possibility of what I could gain. And I didn’t lose anything! It was a net gain big time overall. In all honesty, I wish I could have gone through another month worth of sessions with Daerick. It’s just, it’s expensive.

I hadn’t had any experience with energy healing or anything like it before you found Daerick. Not unless you count getting a full body massage or something. That’s about it for any kind of homeopathic healing. I do take plenty of supplements. I always joke that my mom’s a hippie, but she’s just high on supplements. So I take vitamins and supplements and stuff like that, but even that doesn’t do that much as far as the anxiety and things.

I wasn’t surprised by anything in the consultation call. He was pretty thorough on what to expect via email. Then when we spoke, he had a very calming voice and was just down to earth. It was all good. The process of working with him was kind of weird. I felt it right away, kind of early, and it was pretty impactful. Midway through it, I didn’t really notice a whole lot. Then by the end some gains had been made that I’ve maintained even right now, which is really nice. He had spoken about there sometimes being a big boost initially, and I definitely felt that. I was skeptical like anybody would be, but, no, it works.

I’d recommend it. I would definitely recommend Daerick. He was great to work with, and just a really kind person with obviously positive energy, and I appreciated it. I could see myself in the future working with him again.

- Nick from California

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Sarah Martin from Florida

"Almost immediately my mental space improved and I started to feel more expansive inside. I felt lighter. I felt the old, limiting beliefs and stories release from my psyche and body. I felt freer than I have in years ... Dearick’ work is WELL WORTH IT. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

“When I first started working with Daerick, I knew right away he was something special. He was SPOT ON during our first consultation and was able to tap into history from my childhood and my innate sensitivity which led me to find a healer in the first place. Being a highly sensitive person means I am sensitive to my environment, other people’s emotions, vibrations, energy, and even the way other people react. I FEEL it all. I feel the world’s pain and joy.

After years of hiding or trying to forget about my sensitivity, my body began showing me there was an imbalance with physical symptoms. A mysterious rash developed on my body four and a half years ago. I saw countless Western medical doctors and acupuncturists, eastern healers, was placed on hormones, vitamins, minerals, and Chinese herbs. NOTHING HELPED and my frustrations mounted. It felt hopeless and my self esteem was affected, I began avoiding going out in public. I started to plan my social life around how my skin looked that day.

What started off as physical quickly became psychologically damaging. Some days the itching was so intense, or the redness was so bright, that I would cancel plans with friends. And some nights, the intense itching kept me up for hours, or woke me up in the middle of the night. It was miserable.

I almost gave up, when I found Daerick. Something resonated in me and loudly told me “That’s your healer.” I’m now on my second round of 8 sessions, and there has been a tremendous change in my symptoms. Daerick was able to ascertain that my symptoms were stemming from a virus my body had been wearily fighting and that there were a lot of emotional wounds that needed healing too. At first, I didn’t notice much change physically. However, almost immediately my mental space improved and I started to feel more expansive inside. I felt lighter. I felt the old, limiting beliefs and stories release from my psyche and body. I felt freer than I have in years.

It wasn’t really until the last week of the first month that I started seeing major changes in my body. The rash has shifted form, and become much less noticable in color and shape, and the itching has decreased by I’d say 70%! While we’re not quite at 100% symptom freedom yet, we are well on our way and I have complete faith in Daerick’s work and my body to complete the healing. Stay the course. Is IS worth it. It took your body time to become out of alignment, and it will take some time to get it back into balance. Trust the process.

As an added bonus, I feel more emotionally stable, confident, happy, and have attracted money and clients into my life with so much ease that I know my abundance blocks have been lifted too.

Dearick’s work is WELL WORTH IT. Thank you, thank you, thank you. With much aloha.”

- Sarah Martin from Florida

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Vian Younan MD from California

"At first I was skeptical. However having had foot pain for over a year with no relief I was willing to try anything. Working with Daerick is a very gentle healing process. My foot pain went from 7/10 to 1/10 in a matter of weeks."

“As a western trained physician I have recently been introduced to the world of quantum healing or energy medicine.

At first I was skeptical. However having had foot pain for over a year with no relief I was willing to try anything. Working with Daerick is a very gentle healing process. My foot pain went from 7/10 to 1/10 in a matter of weeks.

I am so happy to have found him and am eternally grateful that he shares his gifts with humanity. Thank you Daerick!”

- Vian Younan MD from California

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Jayne Goodall from Texas

"I feel because of this work he’s been doing, I’m actually just on a completely different level of my healing journey that I wasn’t expecting. It’s very holistic. That word has just been so abused by so many systems of healing. I would know, cause I’ve done a lot of work with systems called holistic, but now that I’m experiencing it, I’m like, “Oh, that’s holistic.” It’s holistic because my whole life is changing and my relationships are changing."

“I had what was diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome with an emphasis in the constipation realm. It’s something I’ve had my whole life. I actually forgot I had it for my whole life. It’s my mom who reminded me of it. She said, “You’ve been having issues since you could walk.” I had completely forgotten about that because it wasn’t until two years ago that my symptoms went from being just a nuisance that I had normalized into a full blown chronic issue that impacted everything my whole life. My new normal became dealing with this fear of eating because I didn’t know when it would leave my body again. My physical body changed, and my gut started protruding out, and it was really painful and uncomfortable.

For years I had a constant mental anxiety that no one was helping with. It wasn’t even the mental anxiety that I was looking for help with, but that was just one of the outcomes. None of the doctors treated it as something that was serious. My thinking was I have stools stuck to my intestines that I guarantee have not moved for so long. It terrified me thinking about what that does to a human body. And then doctors passed it off and gave me medicine that didn’t work or just over the counter pills for stool softeners. I never accepted it. I kept going through and finding my own solutions. It’s interesting because it was something that I dealt with every single day, so it was normal and I could deal with it. It wasn’t something that was putting me in the hospital, though I did go to the hospital a couple of times because I’d say, “Okay, it’s been a couple of weeks... Can someone please take this seriously?” So that’s what it was like.

I tried a lot of doctors and other modalities before I found Daerick. I did a lot of diet type healing. Every single time I found a new system, I had this hope that it would be my answer. Diet was the first one where I was completely convinced that it would be my answer. It was really disappointing. I could eliminate all of the foods that were bad. I did a plant-based diet. I did so many things and I really stuck with them all for a while, but they never worked. If anything, it would make it worse. It was just wild trying to find something that worked, and then to allow myself to hope again that something would work was terrifying.

The story of how I started working with Daerick started with my sister in California. My sister does energy healing, but she doesn’t talk about it a lot with our family because they’re not really open to this work, but I’ve always been drawn. I was visiting my sister, and I was having a lot of trouble. My symptoms were pretty bad. She offered to do an energy cleanse on me, which she had done once before. It was wild because I blacked out entirely because of all the energy that moved so quickly through me. I was blacked out and thought, What is this? She did another session, and it’s not like anything crazy happened, but that’s when the pieces clicked in me. I knew I wanted something sustained and regular, because I had this trust that energy healing was the answer. I’ve been studying quantum physics for so long because it’s my mental jam, the science of spiritual stuff. I love it all. So I had a long history of building up trust with this kind of work.

After that I went to my bedroom and searched ‘energy healer’ on Google. I didn’t look at Daerick’s first because it actually came up as an ad. I thought that was sketchy, and I wasn’t going to do something that came up as an ad, but I clicked on it. After I clicked on a couple of other sites, I went back to his and started reading the reviews. It really was an energetic experience of trust. When you reached out and said sometimes it helps for people to tell their story out loud, and that I could use my real name if I was comfortable with it, I thought, That makes sense. That was why I totally trusted these comments and these reviews. I never knew that I could trust an internet ad from a Google search before! This is the first time. I told my sister, “I just signed up for an energy healer in Hawaii!” Her response was What?! I told her she could trust me, I knew it was going to be great. I just knew. It was also crazy because I had no trust in anything anymore. I think the reason why I trust this so much is because it was very validating to my experience and answered a lot of questions that no one seemed to be talking about. I’ve been going to doctors my whole entire life, and not a single time did anyone mention that the body is designed to heal itself!

When I did the consultation with Daerick, it was super exciting, I’m not gonna lie. I’ve never had someone read my energy patterns, let alone from a completely different state, far, far away from me. I think I had a lot of excitement because there was a part of me that just trusted everything, but then there were moments of Maybe I’m getting scammed! Is this a placebo? That wasn’t ever major, but there were definitely moments of thinking it would be so easy for this to not be real and I would just be out of my money. But that was never a major part of the experience. The phone call was just relaxing. Every call with Daerick makes me feel relaxed. So that was nice.

I’m not a hundred percent healed, but my daily discomfort is gone and my recovery time is a lot quicker. Honestly, though, my symptoms are just the top of the surface of what has actually transpired. It’s cool, but what I’m actually experiencing is so much more than this. I know Daerick did root cause energy work of emotional blockages, or whatever the primary cause of the symptom was. That’s where he began. I really resonated with that kind of work he was doing because it’s something that I’ve come to believe.

What I didn’t expect to come from that was that I’m really relaxed. I breathe differently now. I have tried to breathe deeply before. I have put so much effort into that, but I couldn’t. There was a constriction in my gut I was aware of. Even when I would try to relax it, it would be physically uncomfortable to be relaxed because I think when I relaxed, it made me realize how tense I was. And so it was better to stay tense. One day while driving, I noticed I was breathing deeply. I was breathing from my belly, and it was relaxed and I enjoyed it. That sounds small, but I can’t remember the last time that I was relaxed. I’m someone who always has their leg shaking. Another thing is Daerick has been doing work on my throat and chest area. It’s beyond a gift that he has been doing that. I didn’t come for work in those areas, but he’s been doing work there. This is the area I probably can’t put into words, which is ironic. I feel because of this work he’s been doing, I’m actually just on a completely different level of my healing journey that I wasn’t expecting. It’s very holistic. That word has just been so abused by so many systems of healing. I would know, cause I’ve done a lot of work with systems called holistic, but now that I’m experiencing it, I’m like, “Oh, that’s holistic.” It’s holistic because my whole life is changing and my relationships are changing.

Right now it’s more on an awareness level of the way I’ve really held myself back. I know something has been freed up inside of me that is healing me physically, but also just in every single other way. It’s awesome because it’s just going to keep going now. With Daerick’s work, I really don’t feel like I’m stuck with him or that I need to continue to be his patient. It’s a really empowering relationship. Whereas with Western medicine, the unspoken relationship is that you’re going to keep coming back for the rest of your life, and they’ll help you, but you’re never really going to be healed. What Daerick has gifted me is freeing up my body to continue to heal itself. People don’t do business that way!”

- Jayne Goodall from Texas

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Arthur Clements from Canada

"I’ve been suffering from mild to moderate neurological symptoms from a Hep A vaccine 5 years ago. After doing countless therapies to undo the damage I can safely say that in just 8 sessions with Daerick I’ve experienced the greatest reduction in my symptoms than from any other modality thus far."

“I’ve been suffering from mild to moderate neurological symptoms from a Hep A vaccine 5 years ago.

After doing countless therapies to undo the damage I can safely say that in just 8 sessions with Daerick I’ve experienced the greatest reduction in my symptoms than from any other modality thus far.

I’d definitely recommend anybody searching for healing to include Daerick’s powerful interventions on their journey back to health.

I hope to see continuous improvements over the next few weeks and months.

God bless”

- Arthur Clements from Canada

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Robin Schiftan from Florida

"Although I had tried other types of holistic practitioners to no avail, the experience I have had with Daerick has been like no other ... I am very grateful to Daerick for all his work on my behalf in what has been the most kind, gentle and productive healing experience I have ever had."

“Although I had tried other types of holistic practitioners to no avail, the experience I have had with Daerick has been like no other.

Years of psychotherapy could not explain the reasons why I repeated patterns of relationships over and over and suffered with occasional, yet extreme anxiety. In our initial consultation, Daerick provided me with the insight and reason as to why this was happening to me. The insights revealed by Daerick, no matter how much therapy I would have had, would never have revealed these truths to me. Knowing these truths have provided me with a sense of calm and understanding that these patterns no longer have a hold on me.

I was also suffering with extreme mental and physical fatigue, as Daerick observed it was like I was “walking through mud”. When assessing my brain and thinking capability, Daerick observed that “this is not you, and it is not age related”. And it wasn’t, in fact it was frightening to me that my mental capabilities: thinking, memory, decision making were declining, when in the past they had been so sharp. Physically, I had a small window each day of just several hours where I could be productive.

Throughout our sessions I had incremental improvements both physically and mentally. Happily, I now have the energy and clarity to get through the day.

Additionally I have an autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroidiitis, with a symptomatic goiter. The goiter has reduced in size to the point where people have actually noticed the difference!

I am very grateful to Daerick for all his work on my behalf in what has been the most kind, gentle and productive healing experience I have ever had.”

- Robin Schiftan from Florida

“I was deep in a phase of lacking motivation… like a bubble around me keeps me from feeling like myself. The Fatigue I felt was keeping me from being in optimal performance around my work.

My sleep was also being compromised as well as my sense of taste and smell! It was the oddest funk I have ever been in. My liver and digestion were also very off – I had an ultra sound before I had a session with Daerick where it indicated that my liver was swollen by ¼ inch…with all these symptoms I had a level of anxiety that I could not shake.

After my sessions with Daerick I went back to the doctors and requested another ultra sound and my liver/gallbladder were in normal range! *I did not do anything else than Daerick’s sessions! It seemed that a cloud of whatever wasn’t mine to hold left my body and I had myself back! Great sleep, my taste and sense of smell, motivation, and a great grounded feeling as I moved thru my day!”— Marie Benedetta

“Working with Daerick was a very positive experience. I happen to be one of the people that didn’t really respond to his work but he was so caring and professional throughout the whole process and refunded me immediately after I decided to stop at 2 weeks. I highly recommend him to anyone that is thinking about trying him because you truly have nothing to loose and a lot to gain! Thank you Daerick for your hard work and dedication to helping so many people :)”— Jessica Hesse

“I am incredibly grateful for taking the leap of faith to work with Daerick for both myself and my 9 year old daughter. I had never tried distance healing before, but during an online search I somehow came to Daerick’s website and was drawn to his work and the testimonials. I was doing an online search primarily for my daughter as she suffered from moderate to severe eczema since she was a few years old, and she was still suffering after almost a year of constant eczema with dry, tight, itchy, and very inflamed patches all over her body. But then I connected to the testimonials because I had been going through some chronic issues after having an adverse reaction to a potent antibiotic 5 years ago including headaches/migraines, digestive troubles and reflux, and neurological issues (numbness, pain, and a recent scary episode of a spasm where I lost control of both my hands). I decided to do a consult with Daerick despite some of my own skepticism with distance healing. During the consult, I explained my daughter’s and my issues, and there was this immediate connection with Daerick and this gut feeling that he understood us and could help us. Within a week, there was a drastic improvement in my daughter’s skin. After a few weeks, it continued to improve and then it plateaued slightly. I discussed this with Daerick, and I decided to continue with another 4 weeks of treatment for my daughter. I am so glad we did because after those 4 weeks, we got to a point where her body was strong enough and as I write this (over a month and a half after stopping treatment) her skin is still doing great and is the calmest it’s been in years.

For myself, the healing has been both deep and physical, in which after 2 weeks my headaches and overall pain improved dramatically. The “deep” I speak of is something beyond and is truly at an energetic level—there is the awareness I now possess that I didn’t before in that when I do have a symptom or feel unwell, I am able to acknowledge it and then the feelings or pain pass rather quickly. I am amazed at the healing I experienced and continue to experience after just 4 weeks of Daerick’s treatments.”— Evelyn Cruz, Washington DC

Get a Consultation“At age of 16 I was diagnosed with hormonal imbalance and severe premenstrual syndrome when I lived in Ukraine. I’ve tried hormonal therapy and took pain killer but it didn’t helped me. I started to develop fatigue, depression, muscle pain...

When I moved to US (at age of 25) I went to few different doctors and they told me that my blood tests are fine and I am healthy. I started to do my own research on Google. I’ve tried Nutritional Balancing Program where diagnoses created based on hair tissue analysis. It showed that I am in adrenal burnout state caused by inflammation and toxins. I was prescribed supplements that would make my body detox itself. I felt better at beginning but then it got worse. Supplements where too strong for my sluggish liver and other organs.

Next I’ve tried to get cured by traditional Chinese medicine: customized herbs, Qi Gong and acupuncture. I would get slightly better, but I wasn’t really healing. It went for 3 years without a break throughout.

At that point I got interested in energy healing and I already understood that I might have blocks that on a way. I was praying for a healer and few months later I was redirected to Daerick’s website by one of my friends. I had great connection even before first appointment. I felt stronger energy flow in my body for couple days.

During my appointment Daerick was able not only to see unhealthy areas of body with associated imbalance but also identify blocks (fear from past life) and deeper energy patterns that where main reasons of my falling health. I went ahead and started to work with Daerick for few months. I felt peace and I was in wonderful mood first two weeks after he released blocks. It was a nice surprise and I wanted to stay forever in this state. :) My improvements where slow but stable. Healer helps with directing energy and body heal itself which takes time. My anxiety and depression went to 0, fatigue and cramps improved significantly. I don’t need to take pain relievers anymore. In general I have a feeling of a new person. I highly recommend you to book an appointment with Daerick and take your chances. You deserve to be healthy. Thank you! Much love and light.”— Olesya Tarasovna, Boston USA

“Before I met Daerick, my main symptom was this pain that comes and goes all over my body. It started in my early teens, or late teens, maybe around 18. It started as lower back pain and gradually got worse, traveling from the lower back to the upper back and then my shoulder and different joints and muscles. At one point, my ribs got really stiff and I couldn’t breathe really well. Then sciatica came. So it’s been going on for the last 15, 16 years. I’ve been to many chiropractors and various Western medicine practitioners. I’ve tried Eastern medicine, natural remedies, everything. Everything worked for a while, and then I’d just go back to the same cycle of pain. That was my life before. I continued struggling with this pain and continued trying to find a cure or trying to find someone who could make me feel better.

I found Daerick because one friend of mine suggested I should work with an energy healer. Two years ago, if somebody would have told me that, I would have said, “What are you talking about? I don’t even trust that stuff.” But the last two years, I’ve been on this spiritual path and doing more meditation and learning like how my thoughts can change my body and the healing effect of thought and understanding the quantum physics. As a science student, I learned physics. I knew what quantum physics was, but lately I’ve been learning about applying in life. When my friend said, “Oh, we should look for someone who can do healing,” of course I googled it. I searched healers in Sacramento, and Daerick showed up there.

Daerick was the first energy healer I ever visited. I’ve been doing meditation and then working myself, like changing my thoughts and changing how I see myself. I was doing a lot of self improvement and self work. Then I heard about Daerick and I watched videos about him just to get to know him a bit more before I reached out to him. I did some homework, and I liked how he sounded really honest. Also, I liked his refund policy that if you don’t feel better, he’ll refund the money. I said, “Okay, nothing to lose. Why don’t I give it a try.”

Honestly when I talked to Daerick for the first time during the initial consultation, I was a little shocked. First he did some reading on me during the call and he pointed out some stuff that made me think, “How does he know this about my health?” Then, when he explained how he works, I thought, “Okay, this is completely different, I’ve never done it that way.” He told me I don’t have to do anything from my side. He will just send me an email about the healing afterwards, and then, that’s it. It was a very different way of somebody treating you. The skeptical mind, the analytical mind just comes and says, “Is it going to be really real? How can I trust that he’s going to do something like that?” But, I went with him because I have already spent thousands of dollars. I have spent a lot of money on my health, but nothing has helped. He sounded good. It works. It’s going to be good for me. If it doesn’t, it’s just a few more thousand dollars. That’s what I thought, and that’s why I went with it. “Let’s give it a try,” I thought.

Being skeptical, I talked to Daerick before we got started. I said, “Hey, I take some supplements, and I avoid this kind of food to manage my symptoms. I’m going to start eating every single thing. I’m going to stop taking any supplemental medication so I can really see that what work you’re doing is actually helping me.” ** The first week into it, I didn’t see much improvement. The second week was a little better, and then I felt worse after the first week or maybe the middle of my second week. I felt really, really worse. Then, everything started to change. By the end of the second week, it was ‘wow’ different. I was eating things that I had been avoiding for years and I was still managing my pain. My pain didn’t go away a hundred percent, but it didn’t get worse. I was shocked. Something was working. I was not taking any medication or I was not doing any elimination diet, but the pain still felt okay, I could deal with it. The pain was at least 40, 50% better. Previously, when I, let’s say, ate sugar, I got pain right away. I was shocked, and so I said, okay, let’s continue.

We did the first four weeks of treatments where he did three treatments a week. I completed the whole thing and I felt a lot better after four weeks, and then I had a consultation with Daerick again to touch base. He said my body definitely felt much better, and I can feel that too. My body is feeling a lot better. I’m not in as much pain as I used to be in, and I’m not doing anything special. Before, if I ate sugar, or I would say, Oh, I must have eaten that thing that causes the pain. Now I don’t even have to think about what I’m eating because I’m not in so much pain. He suggested I should follow this, this, this, and do some work, and I’ve been doing it. I’m still feeling a lot better. I wouldn’t say I’m a hundred percent better, but I’m a lot better than I used to be. When you’ve struggled with something like that for years and years, it starts becoming your personality. It’s part of your life, and you identify yourself with that issue. I’m happy to see this part of me just going away and not identifying me. What I’m finding is that my family was affected by it too. What we would be doing in a day would depend on how I was going to feel. We couldn’t plan a day outing a week in advance, say going for camping or hiking, because I didn’t know how I was going to feel on the certain day. Now it’s going away and it’s a little better.

That’s why I wanted to reach out and say now I fully believe that something is there. I’m from an engineering background and I always take things analytically. For me to trust that somebody can be sitting in Hawaii and can heal me without even letting me know, that was just amazing.

I think everybody should give it a try at least. He’s amazing. I don’t know how it works. I’m still trying to find out how, and I would love to know more about how energy healing works, but this is real. My pain has changed. I’ve tried every single thing and nothing worked before up to this extent. So this is amazing. Thank you, Daerick.

** Disclaimer: Please consult with your medical team before discontinuing any health protocol you are currently following, including supplements and diet.
”— Vibhu, California

“I reached out to Daerick with the hope of reducing anxiety. I felt fragile, un-social, and heavy with emotion. What I learnt was the presense of other issues – which were to some extent the cause of the anxiety. In working with Daerick for a month, in a non-intrusive and hassle free way, I experienced a significant and positive shift in my general well being. My body feels better, I have more energy, my mood is far more positive, and I feel like the world is my oyster. I can’t explain how or why Daerick’s practice works, but it certainly has for me. Thank you Daerick. I’m filled with much gratitude.”— Geoffrey Hunt, California

“I cannot begin to express my gratitude. When I first started working with Daerick, I knew right away he was something special. I always know I had gifts and that I was different from other people. However, for long time I was scared of my gifts, thinking it is wrong to know things before they happen. Therefore, for next five years I ignored my intuition and dreams. After a while everything stopped, I found out I was pregnant. It was not easy pregnancy, I was more emotional, had pain all over, many health issues including depression and anxiety. After my son was born all my symptoms got worse then before, I had no energy I was avoiding people, I gained a lot of weight, being emotional all the time. I went to doctors they prescribed me medication and told me to eat healthier and exercise and that will fix everything, but unfortunately it did not fix anything. Few years went by and I felt like part of me is missing. Therefore, I decided to look at alternative ways to heal myself. I found story about Daerick, something drew me to him. So I decided to give it try, from the first time we talked I felt at peace and like I known him my whole life(yes, I thought that was strange, only other person I felt like I known them forever was when I meet my husband). I noticed changes after first treatment. I had many symptoms when we started, but my main goal was to get my gifts back. After eight treatments, we decided that I wanted to continue working with Dearick for another eight treatments. After that, I felt like I am on right path, all on my symptoms are almost 100% gone. I have so much more energy, I can control my emotions easier, and my gifts are stronger than ever. Its absolute miracle I felt freer than I have in years.”— M. Jasic, Nurse, ND, USA, originally from Bosnia

“As an intuitive it is extremely frustrating to not be able to ‘read’ myself or give myself the help I need. I have had major physical and emotional issues my entire lifetime, but when I became extremely ill in 2011 with severe mercury poisoning, life became the most horrific nightmare I could not wake up from. The next 7+ years were nothing less than complete misery, total hell on earth. It is shocking how little modern medicine knows about treating this illness and the depths to which it can destroy lives. I was almost totally bedridden for several months and not able to leave the house freely for years. Bizarre physical and mental symptoms were nonstop - nothing helped and everything I tried actually made me worse. Simple things like taking Vitamin C caused me to have a shingles outbreak. I developed irrational, severe phobias and was unable to even walk near a shower without having full-blown anxiety attacks. Several ER visits left me more in pain and distraught than when I went in, hoping for some kind of help but being met with blank stares and zero help or hope whatsoever. I planned my suicide twice and both times had a very distinct intervention that stopped me, along with the fear that I wouldn’t be successful and be stuck living with even more physical issues. But I had no desire to keep living in such deep pain and anguish that nobody could possibly understand. I also lacked any family support or help through this. During this time I also went through a divorce and the death of my two wonderful dogs. I was totally on my own and in the worst place physically and mentally beyond what I ever imagined hell could be. Out of the blue, a good friend sent me a testimonial from a woman who worked with Daerick, who had similar horrible health issues. I lost count of how many fellow intuitives I had spoken to trying to get well and although they were great in many ways, nothing was working. I don’t know why but I clicked on his website and after reading just a little bit I knew he was the real deal, and knew I had to give him a try. His methods were different than anything I had heard of, and I felt so calm and at ease from our first phone call. Energetically I knew he was sincere, incredibly powerful and truly wanted to help people in his unique way.

Within the first week I felt different in more ways than just physical. I remember not reacting to people or situations in ways I used to - and only afterward did it hit me that I felt like a totally different person. Things that had bothered me my entire lifetime no longer had that strange, angry hold on me. I didn’t have the heavy resentment towards people I had been angry with for how they had treated me. I felt like something within me had ‘let go’ of something I wasn’t even aware I had been carrying. Keep in mind I had literally done 5+ years of intense release work for these issues and absolutely nothing changed in a noticeable way, yet in one week of Daerick working on me remotely, I felt a release I didn’t expect to happen. It’s not something you can fake or plan for, or even pretend to have happen.

Even the way I viewed the illness changed. I still had symptom flare-ups, but something in me understood they were not going to last. That feeling alone is worth its weight in gold. Feeling much more neutral, as well as actually feeling hope, were very new feelings for me and nothing I expected to happen.

Daerick spent a LOT of extra time helping me, with extra sessions beyond what he had to and he would check on me periodically even between appointments. He has a level of caring and sincerity that you can feel deeply and there is no question of his authenticity. It can be exhausting dealing with people at their very worst, who have no hope whatsoever and are wanting help but also at the same time doubting life is ever going to change for them. However he handled my meltdowns with empathy and a level of compassion I never experienced before.

It has now been 3 months of working with Daerick and I continue to feel changes both physically and mentally for the better, and also in ways I never experienced before. I know how hard it is to believe in anyone or anything when you are dealing with a health crisis, and I know not everything works the same for everybody. But after my time with Daerick I can say if you are struggling with your health (emotional and physical) and you are reading this, it is your sign to let Daerick help you in his special way. I recommend him so highly, and I am truly grateful to him for all he has done for me.”— Lilijana Bizet, Midwest USA

“I’m a woman of 66, and due to viruses and stress, and exposure to toxic heavy metals in my youth, along with the diagnosis of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, I have struggled with Irritable Bowel Disease with chronic constipation for over 25 years. My symptoms included, joint inflammation, depression, brain fog, anxiety, SIBO, insomnia, illeocecal valve pain, and bloated stomach—all of which affected my confidence and mood on a daily basis; and the list goes on.

Over the past 20 years I have visited many experts and specialists, which included naturopaths, herbalists, chiropractors, and allopathic doctors. I tried several diets and have shelves and shelves filled with a host of supplements, tinctures, and teas.

Then two months ago I found Daerick. If you find yourself on his list, then count yourself lucky, because he is a rare conduit for pure healing energy. He delivers where those before him could not. I might add that the human mind is incapable of comprehending the nature of his work, because it is truly outside of what we have been taught. It is natural to be skeptical, but my 16 sessions with him have made me almost like new again. The pain and bloating I suffered daily for all those years, is almost gone, the anxiety is gone, and I have been able to sleep again. My body is on it’s way to healing the rest. I am also subscribing to some of Anthony Williams recommendations in his books and have been following much of his dietary suggestions to the best of my ability.

Plain and simple. It’s never too late to become radically healed and whole again. Daerick was able to see into my body, and energetically remove so much of the chronic pain and physical problems that had plagued me for years. On the days he was working on me in Hawaii, I was feeling (and recording on my calendar) the energy of wellbeing and peace that were flooding my body. When he called later in the week, we would compare notes. He told me the days and hours he was transmitting to me, and when I checked my notes those times corresponded to the days I had recorded the surges of energy and well being.

Daerick was able to clear and remove what was affecting my physical body, so much so, that I feel I am finally free of those chronic conditions that had steadily robbed me of my energy and joy. I am eternally grateful to his man for his wonderful and unusual work.

I am also confident, and know for certain that I am well on my way to better and better days ahead.”— C. Soprano, Westchester, New York USA

“I was feeling really hopeless for what felt like forever. I had tried everything I could think of and some things helped for awhile, some not at all. Since the birth of my daughter 10 years ago I suffered from what could be described aspost partum depression. Sometimes severe depression, where to just get out of bed took all of my will and energy, to bouts of anxiety and panic attacks. For as long as I can remember I had anxiety and depression, but nothing like this. This was different. I don’t know quite how to put it into words, I just did not feel like me anymore. I never had energy, I felt agitated a lot of the time, I could not concentrate, my memory was horrible, I was intensely lonely and yet did not want to be around people because it took so much energy to “look normal”. I was still able to function as a single mom and work, but it took an incredible amount of energy and I was exhausted.

Medications did help for awhile, or I went off of them, tired of feeling numb to myself. I felt desparate to find answers to what was going on with me. I couldn’t even meditate any longer because of my racing thoughts. This was one of the hardest parts for me, because in the past that was always my place of peace and escape.

After only a couple of sessions, I felt something shift in me. The only way I can describe it is that I felt like myself again, from a long time ago when I was still hopeful and positive. Instead of waking up every morning in agony of intense anxiety and fear and dread, I woke up feeling HAPPY and excited about the day. I feel rejuvenated and I am finding I don’t need to take naps or have quiet time away from people and noises anymore. Everyday I am feeling stronger and have more of a sense of my Self. I am so grateful for Daerick’s healing capabilities. He is definitely a true Healer.”— Alaine, Psychiatric Nurse, Canada

“Just 2 weeks ago I was feeling at the end of my rope - feeling hopeless and not knowing who or what to turn to. My sister had come across a healer from Hawaii, I believe on the internet, and decided to give it a try. After 2 sessions, I believe it was, I could feel how much better, clearer, and stronger her energy was. I was amazed. Due to the results I saw in her, I decided to try sessions with Daerick.

I am really amazed at the results I am experiencing in a short time- about a week. Not long ago I was having suicidal thoughts - albeit I would not act on them, but the torment was there. Today I am feeling so much more like myself - the happy self I remember from the past. I still get anxiety sometimes, but it is much less, and I am feeling much more grounded and safe - emotionally, mentally and physically.

I have been feeling progressively better since I started having sessions with Daerick. It hasn’t been a straight line progression, there is the odd “burp”, or times where I have to work at it, but it is far easier than the muck I was in before I started the sessions. It is a journey, and I am really needing this. I just don’t even have the words to thank Daerick. How do you thank someone who has given you back yourself, your authentic self? Words aren’t enough.

For those of you who are really suffering, and can’t take anymore there is real help. A place to turn to. What Daerick does is real, and he can help you. I have only just begun and yet I feel I have come a long way. With all of my heart- I thank you Daerick.”— Shannon S, Canada

“Eczema has challenged my body for over sixty years. The last year and a half the itching has been beyond extreme.I found Daerick searching Anthony William and healers. I followed through and have completed two months with him. I can HONESTLY, “DAERICK IS THE REAL DEAL”!!!!!!! I am itch free 24/7 and I am not humbled by red welts covering my face.What impressed me the most was Daerick’s integrity of character, a true gem to experience. A thoughtful listener often checking in within himself for the true answer for me personally as an individual. Yes, DAERICK IS THE REAL DEAL.”— Cathy Kellett, California USA

“I am in the process of recovering from a neurological condition that causes inflammation in my brain and spinal cord. This is also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. I’ve been on a journey of recovering from this condition for the last six years. I’ve also had a lot of stomach problems stemming from antibiotics I was on from a sinus infection, and they overdid it. I also have a host of stomach issues that have accompanied this neurological condition. I was bedridden for I’d say pretty much 80% of the first three years of coming down with this condition. The last couple of years, I’ve had a much larger life, but I still kind of felt like I was dragging my body around. And then I discovered Daerick about three months ago.

I’ve been interested in the mind-body connection forever. I’ve actually studied it and I’m not kidding you, I probably spent half of my inheritance going to doctors. I’m talking everyone from the top of the top MDs to the most out there woo-woo people out there, and everything in between, you name it. I mean, I was about ready to try some of the most disgusting things that are out there. My mom was like, look, if you get really desperate, there’s something out there where people actually eat fecal matter to get better. I thought, “If it gets to that point, I’ll do it!” I was literally willing to do anything.

I had given up working with practitioners because I found that it actually made me worse. What it was doing was perpetuating the cycle of “I’m ill, I’m ill.” I was wasting money and energy just getting there to appointments. Oftentimes, they wouldn’t know what to do, or they’d over-promise something, and the result would never get better, or they would just kind of freak you out and make you think, “It’s never going to get better.” They would tell me they had to run all these labs, and it just made it worse. So I just stopped seeing people.

I rarely to never look for people these days, except for once in a while, if someone recommends someone to me, I’ll go to them, but only if it’s someone I really trust and if it’s a really great referral. That’s my rule of thumb. One day I went online, I don’t know what possessed me to do it. I typed in like “quantum healer” or something, because I got really into quantum physics this year, because I know that a way to heal is through meditation and the mind-body connection and rewiring your system. Daerick popped up, and I was so hesitant at that point, because I’ve worked with everyone else and it made me worse.

I asked the universe for a sign. I said, “If I’m meant to work with Daerick, send me a sign of an eagle and make it come in a way that I least expect.” I know I was really meant to work with him because I got my sign, and I just went for it. The moment I had my consultation with Daerick, I knew I was going to work with him because he read my body to a ‘T.’ My jaw dropped out. Then, he also offers the 2-week refunds! I figured there was nothing to lose at this point. I thought, I’ve already lost so much money to this. What’s another couple thousand dollar investment, especially when there’s a refund policy? I felt very called to work with him. I think I knew by the first week that I wasn’t going to go back. In fact, I said, “I don’t ever want to not work with him!” I asked him, “Do you have a lifetime package, because I’m ready to sign up!”

Here’s how I like to describe working with Daerick. I do a lot of work on myself in terms of meditation, visualizing myself well, and really getting my mind right. Before, when I was doing the work for all myself, I was trying so hard, but it felt like I was coming up against Mount Everest. It felt impossible. As soon as I started working with him, it’s like he was able to pick up that mountain and move it over. The work I’m doing on myself feels so much easier now. Life just feels easier. It’s not that I don’t have challenges or all of a sudden there’s like a magic wand and I’m cured instantaneously, but it’s so much more effortless to just get through the day. I don’t feel like I’m in survival mode as much.

I’m having all these amazing things come to me. I’ve been able to create my own practice. I’m getting a deeper purpose. Things are coming to me more easily. I’m able to get through the day with a more elevated state. So it’s not like a magic wand came and everything’s cured. I just feel like I’m moving forward in life so much more easily and with a higher purpose and with a deeper business calling. Physically, I’m definitely seeing improvements, and I’m seeing improvements emotionally where our programs are so deeply wired. I’m getting relief in a major way. To me, that all is priceless.

It’s not just health for me. Emotionally is actually where I find it the deepest. I realized the benefit of working with him emotionally and from a more elevated state of emotion. I’m attracting a lot better things into my life, and with that is coming better health. It’s like the health is kind of the cherry on top, but he’s really working on such deeper levels. You get all of it when you work with him. It’s not just a health thing. Even if someone had really bad emotional problems, like panic attacks or anxiety or something like that, the physical is really just like the cherry on top,

I’ve been working with Daerick for three months! One of my really good friends who also has this condition is also on her third month. I told her, “Girl, you got to get in on the quantum healing guy!” I tell all my friends about him. I think he’s probably one of the most gifted healers that’s ever existed and I’ve been to a lot of them. Some weeks I really feel like it’s a journey, and sometimes I feel a lot more relief than others. I’ll be honest about that, but I consistently overall experience life much differently since working with him. Looking at it from a whole perspective, I’m actually afraid to go back to life without working with him.

Sometimes I can literally feel him working on me. I’ll email him and I’ll say, “Hey, did you just work on me, because I feel it.” Sometimes he’ll say, “No, that’s you working on yourself, but because we’re working together co-creatively, your work can show up more easily. Your body is getting rewired to a new program.” So I can tap into that energy better alone. He helps empower people. It’s not just him doing the work. He helps empower my body to resonate to a healthier frequency more often.

I understand the hopelessness that comes with a debilitating illness, or the hopelessness that can come from debilitating wired emotions that you just feel like you can’t move beyond. I think the biggest, most important thing for people to know is that working with Daerick brings hope to hopelessness. I really feel that. Whether it’s emotional, physical, spiritual, whatever’s happening in your life. I believe he brings a degree of hope that allows people to move forward. At least he has for me.
”— Margot Miller, California

“After several years of actively searching for healing modalities to help me regain my health, I felt like I was at a roadblock. Daerick was highly recommended to me by a friend.

I felt I needed a push in the right direction. For for my path to get cleared so I could get going. Daerick released the emotional blocks and old patterns that were holding me back and keeping me from truly moving forward.

Everyone is different, and I think Daerick is one of those gifted healers who can tune in to what is unique to you and your energy field, find what needs to be cleared so the intelligence of your body can take over and bring in the healing. Daerick’s part in my healing was releasing the blockages that were preventing self healing to engage and thrive.

I really liked being able to update my symptoms on his website so we could see what progress was being made. I also really liked the email he sent after a session giving me an update if what he saw noticed.

Daerick unstuck me!! I have made much progress since we started working together. I was able to find some additional modalities to help me along the healing path which he suggested i.e.; acupuncture and neuroplasticity work. I am so grateful to Daerick for his help. ”— Janice K., Folsom CA

“To whom it may concern. First I want to say that I’m making this statement voluntarily and with out any promise of payment or any additional free sessions.

I have participated in healing sessions with Daerick Lanakila for the past 2 weeks, for a total of 4 sessions out of 8 total sessions. I wanted to write about my experience so far. I have been a diabetic for the past 22 years and for the past 10 years I have suffered from neuropathy. For a long time I have had a numb and cold feeling in lower legs, ankles, and feet, and in fact, sometimes I felt that I was getting worst and not better when it came to the numb feeling on my feet. I was looking for a homeopathic remedy for my diabetes. My wife was reading an article about Daerick Lanakila and his gifted ability to do long distance healing. All the reviews and recommendations were very stellar and I decided to give it a try.

When I began the sessions I was expecting to have a very productive session, as it is as important to have an open mind and a positive attitude to begin healing. After my first session, I began to notice that my feet felt warm and the numbness was less than when I began the first session, in subsequent sessions, I noticed how my feet felt and improved. In my third session I noticed that my feet felt very warm and I noticed that the numbness had subsided quite a bit, but then I felt that the numbness returned and during the consultation, before the last session I brought this to Daerick’s attention and he worked on my feet. The experience was stunning, to say the least, my feet felt very warm and I could move my toes and ankles much easier than I had in a long time. My feet are warm and the numbness has subsided quite a lot. I’m not here to tell you that I’m healed or that neuropathy has gone away, but I can tell you that in a short few sessions my feet feel great, and my mood, as well as a feeling of relaxation wellness, has come over me like I haven’t felt in a long time. I highly recommend that anyone out there that is thinking about doing something about their diabetes give Daerick Lanakila a try and begin healing. God bless.
”— Gerald Rivera, Washington D.C.

“Before I started working with Daerick, I was having a lot of symptoms that started about 20 years ago, actually. Like many people, I’ve had lots of small traumas throughout my life, and a few big ones. Looking back, a lot of my loss of energy was related to those traumas. In the Philippines, I visited a psychic surgeon and I had done acupuncture. I had traveled all over, looking at different modalities, trying to help myself mentally and spiritually, as well as physically. Nothing was really working. I was making a little bit of progress here and there, but then it seemed like I would just fall all the way back. I was to a point where I was getting desperate. I was depressed. I was tired. I was having a lot of symptoms that progressively got worse, and I found myself introduced to a self-help organization called NXIVM. So I joined, and I was in there for about 18 months. I was making a little bit of progress and I became indoctrinated into their system of belief. And then I realized I was in a cult, so I left immediately.

For about four to six months after that, I noticed all my symptoms were getting worse. I was contacted by a team to do a documentary that would bring forth my voice as a survivor of a cult, along with a few other women. When we finished filming at the end of 2019, my body literally fell apart. I was having a hard time walking. I was having a hard time talking. I was having a hard time thinking. I was having pins and needles all over my body. I was getting hot and cold. I had brain fog. The symptom list went on and on and on, and they were pretty severe. I went to regular doctors, and I was diagnosed with pernicious anemia. I took the vitamin B shots for a while and they didn’t help.

Around April 2020, I was diagnosed with hemochromatosis, which is too much iron in the blood. Right around that time is when I met Daerick. I found him because of Anthony Williams, the medical medium. I had been working with some of his food suggestions, the celery juice, and things like that. Somewhere along the line, when I was researching the medical medium, Daerick’s name popped up. I don’t remember how or where, but I put him in my phone book, and when I got so desperate to the point that I couldn’t even get out of bed, that’s when I contacted him.

The first consultation was really interesting because he did a body scan in the beginning and he nailed 9 out of the 10 symptoms or more than I had. He nailed it right away, and I didn’t even tell him. So that to me was really interesting. I felt like he saw me and he saw what was going on. The other thing I thought was really interesting was he didn’t go for the diagnosis. He was looking for patterns. That resonated with me because I knew I had created all these patterns somewhere in the last 20 years with the trauma and the experiences that I had.

We started in mid-June, so about 4 months ago. We started with a 4-week package as I was a little hesitant. He worked on me twice a week. The other thing that really surprised me, which I loved, was he said that after two weeks, if we couldn’t get some kind of forward motion in my healing, he would return my money. I thought that was an amazing guarantee from someone in this industry.

We set up the package on a Sunday and he said would be working on me the following week. He said, “I’m not sure what day. And I have no idea what time, but I will send you an email.” So I was waiting for him to work on me. Tuesday was rolling around, and still nothing, until Tuesday morning I was driving, and all of a sudden, I had this sense of peace come over me, and a sense of hope, which I had not had at all in a long time. That sense of hope right in itself was enough for me to just say, “Okay, this is working.” I realized he was working on me because I got to my phone and I saw the email. He had just worked on me. So I thought, “This is really great.” And so it was a progression of hope first and a sense of wellbeing, but my symptoms were still at nines and tens. He told me not to really expect those to alleviate much in the very beginning. Just an ability to have hope and to look forward to something was huge for me.

Then over the period of a month, I started noticing slowly that the tingling was getting a little bit better. My sense of balance was getting a little bit better in increments over the weeks that we worked together.

We worked together for three months consecutively, and my symptoms are probably 90, 95% completely gone. I used to have to nap two, three times a day. I could really only stay up for two hours at a time. I was asleep about 10 hours a night, and I would sleep throughout the day. Now I don’t take naps. I’m back to working again. I’m writing my book, I’m working on projects. I have so much energy. This didn’t happen overnight. It would come and go. At one point, I had another small trauma that hit me emotionally and I took a very large step back and I called Daerick and I told him what happened. He said, “Well, let’s see how quickly you recover.” I recovered within 48 hours, and he thought that was great. So did I, and then I noticed that each time I would hit an emotional block with either my film coming out or all kinds of things that were going on, I started recovering faster and faster. I feel like my homeostasis, my equilibrium, is much better and much more stable, and I’m so positive. I’m not depressed anymore. I wake up in the morning, and I’m ready to go take on the day and I’m doing things I’ve never done before. It’s been really, really amazing.

The symptoms were really the least of my problems, even though I had a hard time getting out of bed. It was the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual depression I was having that was far worse. I couldn’t deal with the physical stuff because I was so focused on the other things that were going on that were holding me down and pushing me back.

There’s been an overall shift in everything and the really great thing is things are starting to happen now, just purely out of nowhere. Opportunities are coming up, people are calling, I have all these great things that are happening that weren’t happening before. It was like he opened a door and now everything’s being allowed in.

Overall, my symptoms have improved about 90 to 95%. I was all nines and tens in the beginning and I’m down to zeros or ones and it’s almost as if now my body’s doing what it needs to do to heal itself.

My iron levels were so off the charts and I was doing phlebotomies. That’s the only way they can treat hemochromatosis. They actually take a pint of blood. I was doing that every two weeks and it wasn’t working. When Daerick and I did the second 4-week package when I was starting to do the phlebotomies, we were talking about it. He started working on me during the phlebotomies, and by the time I got my blood work done again, my blood was completely normal. My doctor was shocked, completely shocked. That doesn’t happen. My iron was so far off the charts, and now it’s completely within range. That happened after I started working with Daerick for the second 4-week package. My iron levels coming back into normal range happened within three or four weeks.

My daughter had a package with him as well, a 4-week package. He helped her tremendously. She went from being kind of a quiet, shy young lady to singing again and happy again, and just a joy to be around. She knew Daerick was working on her, but she doesn’t really know what was going on or how it was working. She never asked and it was okay. I saw the difference, and that’s all that matters.

I think working with Daerick is a joint effort. It’s a team effort. You need to be open to it. You need to allow it to happen and it’s gotta be something that you want. I think that my biggest shift with Daerick was understanding that I am really in control of allowing this to happen for myself, with him helping and facilitating, but it’s really my journey and my responsibility, and I just needed a little help. Now I feel like I’m on my way.

I’d like to say one more thing. We have created, through the Starz documentary, a website called https://seduceddocumentary.com for anyone who is a survivor of a cult or who finds themselves struggling with a cult or an abusive relationship. It’s a place for them to find resources and support. Thank you.
”— Kelly Thiel, California

“In my desperate and seemingly endless search for help for my debilitating physical health and the ensuing emotional distresses, I found Daerick online. I had purchased sessions with other energy healers with only mediocre results,which were fleeting, expensive and pointless, in the end. After 13 years of trying every conceivable avenue of healing, medical doctors, naturopaths, hypnosis, accupunture, supplements and extreme dietary alterations, with only small degrees of improvement in my symptoms, I was absolutely desperate to find relief for my ailments.

I had so very much wrong with me, many symptoms ranging from, but not limited to: weight gain, headaches, food intolerences, extreme fatigue, skin and complexion flushing, redness,(not rosacea) chronic digestive issues resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. Ultra sensitivity to heat and nauseousness following anything and everything I ate. My blood and other medical tests showed a variety of issues, intestinal bacteria, food sensitivities to excess, highly elevated C - Reactive Protein ( markers of body inflammation), increased blood sugar, (despite a very low carb diet), respiratory inflammation, hormonal imbalances, non-malignant lesions over my heart, pancreas, and liver, elevated liver enzymes, and an under-active thyroid.

Though normally a determined and optimistic person, after so very long of finding dead end after dead end of every avenue I pursued, combined with my declining health, my emotional state began the same sharp decline as my physical being. My physical and emotional exhaustion were the dominant forces in my life, taking a very heavy toll on every area of my life. I became increasingly despondent, no one could find out what was wrong with my body, only symptoms, and therefore there was no successes to be had in treating me, and that was the greatest frustration of all.

My frustration led to ever increasing levels of despondency and then true despair. Even though I have a good life and I do what I love, with supportive loved ones trying to help me, my despair descended into futility and hopelessness.

Reading about and seeing person after person improved or healed with every healing modality that I had tried, all except me, only gave my downward emotional slide impetus. I certainly didn’t begrudge anyone healing, quite the opposite, I am happy to see others heal, I just so desperately wanted to be one of them.

I began a search for energy healers. I had read of Edgar Cayce as a young girl and had always wished to find someone to help me in a similar way to the way that so many other people had received help, even from great distances.

I searched and read many biographies of all sorts of energy healers and, finally settled on Daerick. It did not matter to me if a healer was male or female, or of what race or religion, or from what country, I narrowed my selections until I was down to only a few, and after reading some of the reviews, I took a chance. Daerick is not known to me, nor was referred by anyone, and certainly there is no remuneration for my review, from him or anyone else.

The reason I am writing this review is for other people who are suffering the same sense of hopelessness I was, exhausted, soul-weary, depressed and ill, with no conceivable relief in sight, and if all else has failed, I urge you to give Daerick a chance. The real deciding factor for me was that he was willing to give a no charge consultation, and I had thought that why not? I had spent years and thousands of dollars to little avail, and here was someone offering me a consultation and though I was not overly hopeful, I gave it a shot. There was nothing for me to lose. But just maybe, he could help me.

After I spoke with Daerick during our consult, I knew immediately that I was going to purchase a block of healing sessions, he was able to see into my body, tell me what I was feeling and why. In my case, it is a virus that has avoided being detected by medical tests, and energetically he is healing me. I don’t mean to say working on me, although he is, I very much mean healing me. At the time of this writing, it is early February, and I have had twice-weekly sessions with Daerick since the end of November. I was able to feel Daerick working on me from my very first session, though everybody is different, and not all feel it straight away. I felt better emotionally, because finally someone was doing something for me and I could feel it. And, more tangibly, my sister looked at me, in awe, and said that I looked better. And, the edema in my legs had even abated noticeably. Daerick improves my physical state every time we speak, degree by degree, tangibly such as pain relief, and reduction in edema and joint swelling, and intangibly, through feeling lighter, brighter, clearer and more like myself of before becoming ill.

I love speaking to Daerick, the warmth of a true healer travels across the miles through his voice and soothes not only my pains and inflammation, but also my very being. It is a process to be sure, I did not become this ill overnight, and I will not heal overnight, but I am healing! When hopelessness and despair is all that makes up a life, it becomes unbearable, and if there is a silver lining to that darkest of clouds, it is that it just takes the smallest spark of the light of hope to burgeon into the warm light of healing. For me, that light is Daerick, and I am making progress, it is slow, and I have little relapses now and then, but it is steady, forward progress and for the first time in a very long time, I can see that I can heal, that I am healing, and that there is hope and life.

I hope whoever reads this, that if you find yourself in my words, you will take a chance that costs you nothing, but that can give you back your connection to your own life.”— Sandra L. Wells, Owner of The Beehive Shop in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

“Daerick is truly an energy surgeon. He is so gifted at working with Quantum energy in very subtle manner. His Being really makes it easy to connect with his process. This was extremely powerful for me because I FELT I was in the driver’s seat of my healing process, which we always are but this felt quite different. I have experienced many energy healings before but I have not felt this level of co-creation ever. Very empowering! After my sessions, I felt I was wearing a “new skin” coat. With Daerick’s support, I learned to befriend ALL the energies - the good, bad, ugly - for true freedom and acceptance. I felt much more grounded, clear, and experienced deeper inner peace and courage to transcend my life challenges. If you are struggling with any deep reoccuring patterns, get unstuck wtih Daerick’s support. You will not be disappointed. Thank you, Daerick, for sharing your gifts and serving with much integrity and presence.”— Shweta Parmar, Certified Ayurvedic Practioner, Therapist, Self-Healer New York

“I thank you from my heart for helping me release and receive SO much, for giving me tools to heal myself, and for doing so with such grace, honoring and integrity. Last night I slept better than I have slept in a long while. As of this hour the pressure and palpitations in the chest have subsided a lot. The sensations in the back of my head are all gone. Yeah!”— Kachi Golden- Native American Shaman and Spiritual Leader of a Native American Nation. Descanso CA U.S.A.

“I have been working with Daerick for about three months or so and I feel like a new person, a lot less fear, much more courageous, more clarity about myself and the direction I am going, and physically, mentally, and spiritually stronger!!! I have been living with ovarian cancer for four years and have tried mainstream medicine of chemo therapy and drugs to try to rid my body of cancer, I have also tried many alternative approaches to rid my body of cancer, but still I am sharing my body with cancer. I have a background in the holistic healing field and deeply believed I could help my body be well and healthy but I also had so much fear about the cancer in my body and what it would eventually do to me. In my very first session with Daerick he talked about how dense the fear was surrounding me, and in me and how we needed to release the heavy fear before other layers of the healing work could be done. He shared with me about the blocked energy he saw in my body and how stagnant blocked energy doesn’t allow your body to flow and heal, and I knew this from my holistic healing background, it is why I choose to work with Daerick in the first place. Well the first few weeks of working with Daerick were hard for me as he released the fearful energy surrounding me I felt ,more anxious, more fearful, irritated. and all stirred up inside. When we talked on the telephone and I explained how I was feeling I remember him saying “Well we really stirred up the hornets nest didn’t we.” His words were spot on that is exactly how I felt and has hard as it was I knew without a doubt we were doing deep work together physically, mentally and spiritually to help me heal. As the weeks went on we did some work on past life issues that were influencing this life and my ability to heal and that too proved to be very deep work of releasing thought patterns, behaviors, energies that no longer served me to make room for healing, health, courage, faith, and hope to vibrate in me. As all this energy/spiritual work was going on physically my health was improving even though I was on a low dose of chemo I felt really good, I had lots of energy, I was eating good, I had a renewed sense of well being and courage, I was full of hope and happiness and my cancer marker blood count was dropping lower and faster than ever before. I was indeed healing and I felt great on all levels. My work with Daerick was making a big impact on me and my life! Daerick even helped me work through some business ideas I had about teaching therapeutic yoga and helping people find more health and healing through combining yoga, gi-gong movements and meditation techniques for health and wellness. He was so open about helping me heal on all levels and had good advice that I took in and utilized to empower myself, my health and my life! I do want to make one thing very clear no one can heal you ......you have to be a 100% in it yourself and working on yourself on all levels too, physically doing everything you can to give your body all the nutritious foods and or supplements it needs to restore health, and you have to be willing to look at your thoughts and emotions and realize if they are serving your health or your disease and be willing to change them, and last but not least feeling connected to your soul and listening to it’s wise whispers will bring peace to your body and mind and health to all of you!!! My time with Daerick has been a blessing on my healing journey and I am so grateful to be working with him.”— Kelley Farisato, California

“My working with Daerick has been a miracle to my health and my souls well being.

I have been sick for 15 years, its hard to say that, no one expects this to happen to their life. I have been to every doctor with so many diagnosis. I spent two years hooked to an IV of antibiotics, the treatment, which was for lyme disease made me sicker then the cure. I could not walk because all of my joints were in so much pain. I have brain scans and been diagnosed with brain damage after a stroke. This all takes a great toll on your heart, your hopes for the future and at the core, of who you are. You lose yourself and the guilt ways heavy because of what your family goes through. Because of my multiple chemical sensitivity I was confined to my home.I was stuck in the emotional prison of my childhood abuse.

Here’s the great news I am getting better. I have worked with so many healers in the past to no avail. Daerick’s healing abilities are powerful and gentle all at the same time. His compassion is ever flowing. It doesn’t happen overnight you have to trust the process. Things are changing in my life, things I thought were gone forever. The first gift I got was Daerick’s ability was to calm me from a distance when I was having a full blown panic attack. Another gift was one day I woke and I didn’t dread the day, when you spend years in pain you do not embrace the light you wish it would go away and you don’t want to live. I also could not wait to go to bed, the great escape. I now embrace the day, I am even hopeful it will have joy. At night I don’t rush to bed

I linger with my family. For me this was a huge sign I was coming back to life!

Other huge changes are I used to sit on a couch all day because I had no energy. I am now traveling around my house even doing things to help. I took my daughters out to dinner! And the sensitivity to chemicals and perfumesare calming down. Each it’s own victory, things peopletake for granted.

To clarify Daerick wasn’t working on these specific things. He was working on a much deeper level at the core of the problem. Moving things out that no longer served my being. There is a place where we all are perfect and whole and that is his mastery to bring us back to wholeness, to light and love.

This is my story so far…”— Nova Masters, Washington State

“In January I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. I had felt extremely fatigued for a least a year prior, and then I found Daerick. After a month, I was able to exercise again. Within five months, I can now say I am in complete remission. I no longer have an autoimmune disease. I have my life back. Thanks Daerick!
”— Ruth Roberts, Dallas USA

“The following is my experience with the energy healing I received throughout my 8 sessions with Daerick. Firsthand just need to share that this healing is real! Although, most of us seeking this type of therapy, want and or wish for instant gratification. Allow me to explain, there is no magic nor instant healing. Everything is a process. With this in mind, I will state that my first session was amazing. The rush of energy was real intense and strikingly felt throughout my entire body. However, I am very blessed to be in tune with my body as well as my emotions. Therefore, it allows me to notice this type of energy flow.

In 2008 I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) which is a debilitating auto immune disease that causes extreme pain throughout the whole body. After my first session my pain went from a high 9 to a 6, which is a significant reduction in less than an hour. If you are suffering from any pain I strongly suggest you give this therapy a try. It’s truly an amazing treatment not to be confused with cure. Every session was different. The second session left me feeling extremely fatigued and worried, if what I was doing was right for me. After my third session I continued to feel fatigued and lethargic, ugh.... What have I done? Was my immediate feeling. Then it hit me. That feeling is what is called the healing crisis. It’s the phase that the body goes through in order to remove built up emotions that are trapped in our bodies causing pain and discomfort. Thankfully after the fourth session my body was again releasing more of the pain that was buried deep within my left eye socket causing pain that led to migraines and extreme blurring in my vision, to a point of desperation! Once again I continued with the healing sessions that only brought me more comfort and positive healing. The pain levels from my RA have steadied at about a 3, which has me resuming back to normal activities with less strain on my body and joints. As for my the migraines those have vanished from my left eye and the blurry vision is almost back to normal. The way I can explain this , is the healing only occurs when we let go and allow the energy to release, whatever the mind has stored away...causing us the physical discomfort, disease, illness or pain within. I’d like to thank those who can help with their true gift of healing. Daerick is indeed gifted and an amazing transmitter of positive energy. I am forever changed do to his need to help all those whom are willing to make the effort in healing through energy therapy. With a grateful heart, blessings to all.”— Renee Acevedo, New Mexico

“Daerick comes from his heart with his work. He has the unique ability to connect into physical and emotional energy that is going on within your body and it allows him to deliver the energetic message of what you want to create for yourself. He allows your body to show him what the next step is to reaching your goals. He can get to the core of an issue and release blocks, residue, fear and more that maybe hindering having what you want. Your goal statement maybe the ultimate, but the work in the moment with Daerick is what you need or you are ready to or can move now! He sees what is presenting itself now, to be cleared. Each person has their unique experience of the work. As I have and each session can be very different.

He has worked with me several times and each time I find a deeper feeling of peace, health and well-being. He has helped me to clear residue and fears that kept me from having what I wanted. Many times we work on areas that may not be the core because I needed to clear other areas before moving onto a deeper level. As we work on each layer I experienced movement and feeling closer to my goals. Sometimes it was baby steps and other times a huge shift in my energy. His work is assisting me to heal and get to my ultimate goal. And now, I feel more alive, happy and positive than I have ever felt in my life. And as I continue on this path, I expect to feel even better. I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me. Thank you!!!”— Kayla C, Portland Oregon

“I met Daerick and Nedrra Lanakila on accident. Woops, there goes my analytical mind again, I mean, by divine intervention. I was traveling with a friend in support of her court case in Hilo, HI and she spoke of this incredible Air B n B owned by this lovely couple whom she happened to meet on FB, oops, there it goes again. No accidents, no happenstance. It was all perfect. I don’t mean the white picket fence kind of perfect, I mean the “moving your soul’s path along its’ intended direction” kind of perfect; messy, weird, completely out of the blue kind of perfect. Daerick and Nedrra showed us around the property, gave us instructions, and what not. The energy of their property was strikingly peaceful, as in something I’ve only felt once or twice in my lifetime.

When I first met Daerick I was struck by how kind, compassionate and peaceful he was. It took me by surprise, I even mentioned it to my friend, and she said, “Oh, my god, I know, he’s such a loving person!” We stayed with them at Volcano Island Haven twice, under very difficult circumstances for my friend, and their home and property were absolutely the most peaceful, safe, rejuvenating place we came back to every evening. About 5 years ago I went through some traumatic losses that were life changing events and I knew that I needed to hire a very kind, compassionate man to help me work through that. Not to mention I’ve had serious dad issues (my biological father is a Narcissist) to deal with that I hadn’t previously taken on in any other type of therapy. I had asked the universe to bring me the perfect person for me to work with.

My friend told me that Daerick and Neddra both did energy work. After the second visit to Volcano, I returned home and hit a critical turning point that I knew I absolutely needed help with. I had done EVERYTHING I could on my own; therapy, sound healing sessions, float tank sessions, journaling, traveling, you name it. I had already pushed so far outside of my comfort zone to help me get back to “myself”, and yet there was still this large gap between where I was and where I wanted to be. I had no idea what the “work” would look like, had no clue what to expect, and I didn’t care. After meeting them both and just feeling the incredible healing energy of their property, I knew it was a fit.

During our first session, the first thing he said was my throat and heart chakras were shut down. I knew my heart chakra was closed, I could feel it, I could feel my apprehension within every single interaction I had with every single person I encountered. I was absolutely living in fear of having my heart broken again, of loss, of losing myself. I wasn’t aware of my throat chakra, but it made perfect sense. Not feeling “heard”, losing my own internal voice, not being able to hear my own internal voice, etc. Additionally, I told him that all the women in my family had hypothyroidism, all of them! So, I see that as a family lineage problem. Additionally, 3 out of the 5 women in my family on my mom’s side also had breast cancer, another medical out-picturing of a closed heart chakra. For the next 2 sessions, Daerick worked on re-activating both my throat and heart chakras and within a few days wrote up a program for work that I had been thinking about for quite some time but hadn’t found the “words” to put it to paper. I sat down one Thursday morning and completed it in an hour!

During our 3rd session together out of the blue Daerick mentioned the pain I was experiencing in my hip. I immediately started laughing (that’s what I do when I’m nervous), I knew he was intuitive but I didn’t know that he could see the pain issues that are presenting in the body along with the emotional! I said that yes, I had been running off and on for about 30 years and that in the last year I had to take 5 months off to let my hip heal. I had begun to run again, only 1 week prior to my first session with Daerick and the hip pain started back up immediately. I was shocked, I took a ton of time off to let it heal. I didn’t mention it because I didn’t know he could address something like that.

Previously, I had literally done everything I could to fix my hip issue, I have a background in Sports Medicine so I knew exactly how to treat it, yet nothing was working the way I believed it should have. I did self-myofascial release, chiropractic work, stretching, taping, massage, I used a great anti-inflammatory cream called Blu Emu, and still no relief. I literally had no idea that my hip pain was directly connected to my grief. No clue. I woke up the next morning after our 3rd session and just asked myself, “Well, what is your hip responsible for?” Answer: Literally moving your body forward. I realized, “Oh my god, I’ve been experiencing this hip pain because I have been scared to DEATH of moving forward in my life.” After so much loss, betrayal, and crushing disappointments, I was literally living in fear of putting one foot forward in front of the other to get on with the rest of my life. I was energetically stuck and it was physically showing up in my right hip and was sometimes very painful as if I had a contusion.

The hip pain immediately began to improve and is still 90% better from day 1. A few sessions after that, I had a day where I was feeling resentful again about one of the losses and the hip pain showed up again, not as bad this time, but definitely still present. I couldn’t believe it! I could see how my grief, anger, and resentment were directly related to my hip issue. The next day I chose to focus on the affirmation that Nedrra had instructed me on and no surprise, the hip pain diminished back again! The hip pain continues to improve, and Daerick also performed some work on my big left toe that currently has a bunion. In energy medicine, this is related to “not fully experiencing the joy and pleasure in life”. Yep, makes perfect sense. How could I be experiencing the full joy of life when I am still living in fear! The toe pain is now 98% better, I have begun to open my heart and throat chakras again and have chosen to make a great leap forward in my career, something I have been considering for the last 6 years.

I am forever grateful to these kind, beautiful souls Daerick and Nedrra and can’t wait to see where the work takes me next.”— Tamaara Smith, Los Angeles CA

“I would like to thank you again for changing my life in these past two months. Everything in life happens for a reason, and special people come into your life just when you need them. I found you when my life was at a low point, and the physical and emotional pain I had was not who I normally was. My first online meeting with you through your website was an instant connection, and I saw in your eyes and through your voice someone who really cares about helping people. You are one of the most sincerely caring people I have ever met, and even though we haven’t met in person, I feel like I have spent quality time with you. Your voice on the phone is so comforting and kind.

I am 67 years old, a mother of 5 and grandmother of 4. Family and home are the most important things to me, and luckily all my family members live very close to me. After two years of hip pain and two surgeries, my life had changed too much for me to handle. I was not depressed, but I lacked vitality, energy or motivation. The current situation with COVID had nothing to do with it. I knew I was carrying “baggage” from the past that I had to let go before I could move on and heal. On your first day of healing with me, I had a strong and beautiful “release of emotion” that was unbelievable to me. My relationship with my oldest daughter was causing me so much anxiety and stress that I couldn’t heal from my surgery the way I should have.

The feeling of something being physically lifted off my shoulders came when you related my issues with my granddaughter to your own grandchildren. It’s the old “me too” therapy, and I didn’t feel alone in that anymore. The realization that I “cannot control what I have no control over” really was a breakthrough, thanks to you. As you helped me with your treatments to let my body release a lot of my past emotional pain, it cleared pathways for healing in my body. My vitality and motivation improved dramatically, and I came out of the “hole” I was in. My days are much more fulfilling, and my nights are more peaceful in sleep.

After 6 weeks of your guidance and “energy redirection,” I feel confident that my body can begin to heal itself more and more in the future. Knowing that you offered to be available for any help I need in the future really makes me feel secure. The work you do is truly a gift to everyone whose lives you touch. Keep doing what you do, realizing all the people you’ve helped must be the best feeling in the world!

I cannot thank you enough, Daerick!”— Betty Schultz, Washington, USA

“Thank you so much for the work that you did with me this week. I have been working with people for over 25 years as a counselor, healer, and facilitator. My work has received high praise, and yet, I have aware of some of my own inner imbalances that, no matter how much inner work I have done, have not resolved completely.

This has been a source of frustration, sadness and fear for me. In spite of these issues, I have created a wonderful new vision that is near completiona nd ready to be shared in the world. In working with you, I have realized that during my past, I attracted certain energies or entities that have been holding me back and causing me grief and suffering.

I did not realize the extent to which this was sapping my energy. NOw that you have cleared these entities and offered your very accurate insights about how they have been adversely affecting me, I am optimistic that I will be able to move ahead in my life with greater freedom, joy and success. It is easy for those who work to clear and support others to forget that the need for clearing on a regular basis ourselves, is very important. If a person is sensitive and empathic, it is even more important to keep the energy field clear. I also feel that those of us who are ready to launch new systems and conepts into the world to assist with evolution, need to b aware that there are entitites, who don;t wish for change to happen. This can make a person who is bringing innovation and change forward, even more attractive to forces that do not want things to change! I look forward to wroking with you in the future.”— Rhianne T. NewLahand - Founder/Director NewLahnd Studios, Sedona Arizona

“This is the second month I chose to work with Daerick. After the first month, there were still some areas I wanted to clean up, so we decided to do a second month. It’s almost as though things get quieter and deeper. I’d like to think that I’m pretty knowledgeable in these areas, but I didn’t expect what happened. What happened when he started working on me is that I have maintained a peace of mind that’s very deep and different from anything I’ve experienced.

I work in the field of the paranormal. I’m a medium and I’m a demonologist, so I get affected by many things. The physical world can be difficult for people like myself. Luckily, I’m married to a six-foot-four Delta force operator, big Bubba guy. He is very grounding to me.

My health journey has been difficult, as it is for so many people. My digestive system, my microbiome, have been totally out of whack. I was fed a lot of antibiotics growing up outside of Birmingham, Alabama, which was the Pittsburgh of the South. There are a lot of heavy metals. I got pneumonia every year. I’ve had a difficulty with my thyroid since I was 14. I have Hashimoto’s. Since I’m almost 70 now, it reached a point that my immune system just breaks down. Naturally, we’re supposed to get old. Thank you. Can’t get enough, whatever, we’re going to get old, but to live a natural, better life, we need help. What Daerick did was he went in and he worked with the thyroid, which is the fifth chakra, which is also the vocal cords. He found things that I didn’t know were there and it was.

What Daerick does is he cleans out the cobwebs. He cleans out spaces that we are unable to with homeopathy, allopathy, natural medicine. This is different. He works with the subspace frequency. And so it is not the physical world, but it is the unseen world. In my line of work, and there are no experts in my field, but we say there’s about 97% of everything that’s unseen. Daerick is able to access much of that. And he says he’s not a channel, he’s not a medium. He is more what I would call a physical medium in the sense that he can access the physical process.

I attuned very well to what he was doing. I became enamored with the process. I felt when he was working on me. It’s just a very subtle shift. That’s the only way to explain it. It’s very subspace frequency to me. It’s similar to using, perhaps, an Indigo biofeedback machine. It’s similar to getting a Reiki treatment in the sense that things clear out. The physical world is very dense, and my health processes have been very affected by the physical world. I’m enamored with what Daerick is doing. I recommend his work. It’s not right for everybody. Nothing is, but I’m a fan.

I found Daerick on the internet. I prayed over it and I intuited and when I saw him on the internet, there was a light around him. That’s just the way I work. I have tried almost everything that you can think of: allopathic, homeopathic, radionics, Rife machine, prayer, meditation, everything for the plethora of issues I’ve had to deal with. It has been an interesting journey, and my journey has not been as difficult as many other people’s.

I don’t know what else to say, except Daerick is the real thing. I had worked with a couple of medical intuitives before I was not impressed. I felt that they could not access, honestly, what I needed, no names mentioned. But Daerick, he’s real.

I’ve got four PhDs in the area of paranormal research. Maybe that means if I was really smart, I would need just one, but I’m also autistic. I got the degrees so I could look at the wall. Nobody comes here. I’ve got a “me” wall, I’ve got all my degrees up there so I can see them.

Daerick has also worked on my autism and he has cleared some of the brain fog. Female autistics are rarely diagnosed until much later in life because we’re verbal, but it took me a long time to learn to see people’s faces and know that there were different facial expressions. I was an awful child. Kids hated me, rightfully. I was very strange. It was very weird, but I had a good life. It wasn’t, I didn’t have a good life.

He has gone in and he has tweaked some of these edges. I’m not saying that he can heal anybody with autism. I don’t know how all of that works, but with the mind and the body and the spiritual issues that I have dealt with, I was very surprised that he was able to access some of the spiritual issues that I didn’t expect to have any help with. That was kind of like icing on the cake.

I can tell a big difference between how my life is now and how it was before I began working with Daerick. it’s important to note that my friends and family noticed a difference in my peace of mind. It’s also important to note that healing takes time. The physical world is very dense. I think it’s important to let people know not to expect “poof!” and you’re healed. Some people may have immediate healings because things are sitting on the surface ready to be healed, but more than likely, it’s a slow burn. The body itself is like peeling an onion. The outer levels will heal first, then you go to the inner.

I’ve had two hip replacements, and I’ve had issues with one. It’s better, but that is something that is structural that I don’t really expect to heal. It’s better, but I think the time and space continuum is very apparent in the healing world. So tell people to be patient with it and to really feel what’s happening. When Daerick finishes working with me, it’s like a time release capsule. I think that I will get more and more rolling little bits of healing happening because my body now understands that and the roadblocks have been cleared away.

When Derek and I talked at first, he said that because of the work I do and my sensitivity, I would probably feel it when he was working on me. The feelings I got would be exhaustion. It was as though all of my attention in my body said, “We’re going to go in now.” I would just stop whatever I was doing. If I was gardening, I would just sit down and say, “Wow, this is interesting.” He worked on me three days a week, usually on the same day. I really wasn’t expecting it, but when it would happen, I thought, “Oh, he’s working on me.” I think it’s going to be different for a lot of different people. For example, my husband. If Daerick was working on him, he might not feel it. He is more earth-oriented. That is his job. That is his work. In my work as an intuitive, I’m out there. I have more trouble on the earth. My husband might have a little more trouble doing this. I don’t know, though. There are surprises all the time.

I send blessings to anyone who’s hurting out there. Some sort of healing is always possible and probable. Thank you for the opportunity of saluting Daerick, and I’m hoping that other people can get the same benefits.
”— Zoli Althea Browne, Montana

“While on the Big Island, Hawaii, recently, Joao and I experienced two ‘light-worker/healers we found extroardinary!’ One of them, Nedrra Lanakila, came to the ‘main-land’ and gave talks and a work shop, along with one on one personal session while at our center, Finding Wings. Everyone is still raving about them, including both of us! Nedrra’s husband, Daerick is also an amazing healer. Joao and I have already experinece his beautiful work first hand. I not only feel free of a lifetime of emotional, self-limiting energy, but I now have healthy tools to maintain and empower my now. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to be authentic and now I truly FEEL authentic!”— Christine Troples, Arroyo Grande, CA U.S.A.

“Before I started working with Daerick, I was bone tired. I was so fatigued that I could do nothing else but work and come home from work and crash. It was impacting my ability to socialize. I never wanted to go out and make that effort. It was taking me a lot of time on the weekend to recover enough to even be able to do things. It was really scary. Besides the fatigue I had aches. I was very stiff, and the whole thing was just really scary to me that this was my new normal. It was crazy. Those were the main symptoms. There were other things, like brain fog, and a feeling of being bloated. My belly just was bloated every single time I ate. I also had a little bit of anxiety and a little depression. Not profound, but you know, it would come and go. The most profound symptoms were the fatigue and the muscle aches. Those symptoms were going on for maybe a few months.

I tried herbs. I went to my doctor. She is an osteopathic doctor, so she has some knowledge of herbs. She did all kinds of blood tests. I’ve had blood tests more than once that all come back negative. Like literally nothing shows up. When I tried the herbs, they gave me little help.

I don’t exactly recall how I found Daerick. It must have been an internet search. It has to have been, but I don’t remember what I typed in. I just know that when I read it, it struck me that he said on the website that he can help when other things haven’t worked. Also his money back guarantee was very interesting to me. And the fact that he had YouTube videos. He wasn’t trying to hide at all. Everything was out there. It was really impressive to me. It felt really above board. I thought, “Well, let’s give this a try because what do I have to lose? He is offering money back if it doesn’t help, which was impressive to me.

When I did the consultation, I had an immediate sense that this was worth trying. I had no reservations. He’s very straightforward and doesn’t promise the world. He doesn’t over promise. He talks about percentages of healing. I was really ready to work with him right away with no reservations based on his calmness and his professionalism and the fact that he didn’t over promise.

The change in my symptoms was profound really within a week or two. It was profound. I was astounded. I just felt so grateful that I had my life back. Daerick was also impressed with how quickly I was responding. It was literally within weeks that the fatigue and the muscle aches went away and I was able to feel that I had energy for other people. At the end of our four weeks, I chose to do some more to really solidify it, although I was feeling great. I also added on a few extra things that I wanted to work on at the end of that four weeks. I entered into a relationship, and that brought up some emotional stuff. I asked Daerick if he could help with that, with heart opening and feeling worthy of a relationship. He obliged with that.

Now that I’ve totally finished with eight weeks of healing work, I have noticed that the fatigue and the muscle aches are coming back a little bit, but it’s nowhere near as debilitating as it was before. I’m also taking the herbs I originally decided to take. He said that if I do have a recurrence, I can always work with him again. I can simply say that even just the thought of working with him again gives me comfort, knowing this isn’t going to be my way of life. But my symptoms did come back, which is interesting to me because it says that the active healing process of what he was doing was the thing. I want to believe that it made a difference ultimately. We’ll see. It’s definitely not back to the same level by any means. My brain fog seems all gone, 100%, and has not returned!

I have felt the impact of Daerick’s work on an emotional level, as well. I’ve been told by different people that I’m in a huge growth phase and that this is also a strong time for relationship. I would say that the work with Daerick definitely impacted that for the positive. It allowed me to even be in a relationship and stay in it and not be afraid of it, which is historically what has happened. Now I’m forging ahead and not running away. I would say I definitely think that Daerick’s work had an impact on that for sure.

I’ve highly recommended him. I told my daughter about him and she may consider working with him. I really do feel he is the real deal. I don’t quite understand how it works, but I do believe absolutely on some level that it works.
”— Mary DeFelice, R.N., Brooklyn, NY

“You both really opened my eyes and helped me realize for myself my own potential and capabilities. I was able to recognize very, very old patterns going back to childhood that were holding me back. I have pushed through so much of my old patterns I literally feel like a new person four times over. It’s been amazing. I now feel a huge degree of self-empowerment that I didn’t before.”— Marston Alfred, Rotterdam, Netherlands

“Going into a session with Daerick, I really did not know what to expect and felt a little apprehensive. I had just expereinced my first session with his wife Nedrra while she visited California. During our time she told me that I was ready for an energy clearing with Daerick and a couple of days later I was on the phone to Hawaii. What amazed me most was how Daerick tuned into the troublesome areas in my body, mind and soul and somehow gave me permission to let go of unhealthy habits, patterns and thoughts through whatever he was doing on the other side of the phoneline! They were just surprisingly to the point. I would neve have allowed myself to shift without his help. When I hung up, I just felt really joyful and so good to go! Thank you Daerick!”— Anett Kennedy, Arroyo Grande, CA U.S.A.

“I really feel a door opened for me, like missing pieces were coming in. I am thrillled with my insights and how they continue to come in. I am feeling more times of being counscious/aware and moving to the consious with my new beliefs and choices. I see and feel shifts to the authentic me, to beliefs I have chosen and want. I have never felt the movement so flowing, so much progress. There is a very powerflow flow here. And in such an exciting manner! Something special has been and is happening. I want to run with this!”— Laura R, Los Angeles, CA U.S.A.

“I can’t begin to express my gratitude. Since my son was a baby he would be in terror and screaming every time he woke up. We tried everything and nothing helped. It was beginning to affect our whole family and all of us were moody. It was like a dark cloud had descended on our entire household. This has been going on for about 4 years. After 4 treatments by Daerick it is incredible. I am awestruck and don’t know what to say and don’t understand what he did. But I’m grateful. Yesterday in our home was a fun day, the kids and I were dancing around and singing and for some reason I felt the need to spring clean even though it’s winter here. I can only attribute that to you and what you did. My son no longer wakes up in terror and the rest of us are happier as well. It’s been 2 years now since I worked with Daerick and things are still good.”— Beth Fernely, Photographer, Sidney, Australia

“THANK YOU for the magical session. I am committed to the work that is the key to my healing process. I have you and the ORBS to thank.”— Anaundda Elijhah, California U.S.A.



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  • Lesson: Explain what they're going to get/learn

  • Lesson: Explain what they're going to get/learn



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  • Lesson: Explain what they're going to get/learn

  • Lesson: Explain what they're going to get/learn


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