100% money-back guarantee!

  50k+ Healing Sessions

facilitated with our clients.

  50+ Years of Professional
healing experience.

 1k+ Symptoms and Diseases
successfully worked on with clients.

realize the kind of Empowered healing

you've longed for.

Backed by Several decades of Distance Healing experience and a money-back guarantee!

“I felt like I was drowning ... I tried contacting doctors and nothing worked until I met Nedrra and Daerick. With their energy healing, the infections in my lungs cleared up and the horrible coughing fits went away. My heavy fatigue and depression improved greatly and I am starting to feel like my old self again.”

-Bobbi Roberts, 3 time Emmy Award Winner

Daerick offers a 100% money back guarantee with his healing work!

Consciousness Evolution and

Learning How to Self Heal

You've Found Us To Heal More Then Just Physical or Emotional Healing

To us, your symptom, disease, emotional or spiritual crisis is not just 'a thing to heal'; it’s an inward calling. With our encouraging aloha, distance healing facilitation, and 50+ years of combined experience you will find yourself delving deeper to recognize and heal manifested misalignments.

Our distance healing facilitations will provide the support you've wanted and will lead you to an extraordinary opportunity: a chance to heal and self realize at foundational levels. This is a wake up call for you to remember who you are!

With our guidance and teachings, you will find surprisingly simple tools that will profoundly support major shifts in discovering how to consciously create and emanate in life.

Practicing these new tools will spur profound moments of self-realization as you finally reclaim your innate ability to transform and heal yourself.

We Become your Guides to Healing AND Transformation

You will discover and practice ways to be more conscious in your human experience, and we will inspire and continue to support you in learning how to further the life experiences that you would truly welcome!

Self Healing, using the principles of Quantum Healing that we will teach you is a cornerstone of what you will learn how to do, and will have the potential to use for the rest of your life. Especially when it comes to shifting physical - and emotional and mental - symptoms that you want to change.

The following video excerpt, initially presented to our Intermediate (Thursday Live Calls) community members, is another Key Foundational building block to what we fully encourage you to self realize: one of Consciousness Evolution. These two foundational building blocks will be what you will hear and learn more and more of during your time with us.

With over five grounded DECADES of professional experience; we are also your guides, your supporters, your spiritual catalysts. Our proven proprietary techniques and innovative tools have been a cornerstone of healing for thousands.

We help you reveal the obscured; lighting the way for your self-propelled journey of transformation.

Reclaim your Innate Healing Power: Embrace Your True Self

As Nedrra and Daerick facilitate distance healing treatments on you, you'll be provided simple tools that you will be encouraged and guided to use to participate in this healing process. Our unique healing packages include:

  • Multiple distance healing treatments every week from Nedrra & Daerick

  • Healing statements that you can call to yourself anytime

  • A new Guided Self-Healing treatment process every week you can do on your own that only takes about 20-25 minutes

  • Simple transformational breathing exercises you can do anytime you have a minute or two

  • A warm and supportive LIVE weekly group call, where Nedrra & Daerick read current, genuine experiences, insights and results directly from the community and offer input on how to further improve the process in ways everyone can learn from.

Personalized Energy Healing

When Everything Else Has Failed

Our energy healing packages are crafted weekly to directly address and manage your acute symptoms or conditions, especially where other traditional options and non-traditional methods have failed.

Let us create a healing plan for you that targets your unique conditions, bringing you relief and recovery while you simultaneously awaken to the truth of who you really are and what you are capable of.

1. Quick Consultation to Ensure We're a Fit

First we'll have a quick consultation where we'll discuss the energy healing process, understand your specific needs, and ensure our approach aligns perfectly with your healing goals

2. Energy Healing for

Acute Symptoms

We have weekly energy healing packages tailored to your needs. We work with you to address your symptoms and conditions where all other options failed.

3. On-Going Self Healing and Conscious Evolution

We dive into the root causes of your symptoms with our ongoing weekly group calls. We guide you through a conscious evolution process to understand why your symptoms occur and help you heal or manage them from the inside out.

Happy Healing Testimonials

Margot Miller

Laura A.

Dr. Cathleen King

Kelly Thiel

Laura Bevequa

Garrett McConnell

You've Tried Everything Else and It Hasn't Work

You've tried the western and eastern medicine options. You've tried the medications, pills and herbs. Nothing has worked - or not in the way you want.

  • Medical options haven't worked or are too invasive

  • Pharmaceuticals and pills haven't worked or have unacceptable side effects

  • Even Naturopathic and Eastern medicine modalities haven't worked to the degree you sense is available to you.

Healthy Skepticism is Good, But Let us Reassure You.

Our concern is your healing. All of our work is based on you actually feeling the difference. Your body has the ability to heal itself and we are here to help you experience that.

How can you help from a distance?

We have been doing what some call Distance Healing for 30+ years and all of the pages of testimonials on our site are from people we did not work on in person. One of the reasons our work is so effective is because we are helping your body to heal itself. It is not our energy that is healing you, but we are working with your body in such a way that it begins to raise its frequency to such a state that it heals itself.

You can think of it like a radio in a car. It is not directly connected to anything, yet when you turn on the radio and tune it to a working station (frequency) you hear music or sound.

The frequency was always there, but you couldn't feel it or hear it unless you had the right equipment and the right station. There are healing frequencies around you right now, and we have the ability to help your body connect to those frequencies and begin to raise its vibration and start the healing process. 

How does quantum healing work?

Our unique form of quantum healing works by helping your body raise its frequency to a vibration that it begins to heal itself. Nedrra was given the exact frequencies from enlightened beings decades ago on how to help someone's body connect directly to healing frequencies that are all around us, in such a way that your body begins to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually.

How do you know this will work for me?

We energetically look and assess each client before we say yes. After all, we are guaranteeing results and we don't want to waste your time or ours. Anybody can say they can help you, but do they back that with a money-back guarantee? Very few are willing to do that.

After 50+ years and over 50,000 treatments, we have enough experience to know who we think this will help. We can never promise or guarantee anyone that they will heal, but if we accept you as a client, we can guarantee that if you don't see a difference, it won't cost you anything. We stand behind our work and an extremely high percentage of the clients we work with begin to heal. But even more important, they begin to raise their consciousness, learn how to heal themselves and begin to more consciously create the life they want. 

Will this work for my condition or symptom?

We have helped people with thousands of different symptoms or conditions. Our work is not specific to a certain condition. It works with almost anything because this is your body healing itself. That is the essence of the type of Quantum Healing that we practice. But before we take on a new client, we review what you are coming to us for to determine if we feel we can help or not. And we back that by our guarantee. Just reach out and let us know your goals and we'll let you know if we can help.

How does the money-back guarantee work?

For our first time clients: If there is no improvement after 4 or 6 weeks(depending on the package you choose) in any of the areas you have come to us for, we will refund you 100%.

In order to qualify for a refund we ask for you to complete the following:

• Let us know how you are doing every week by filling out a simple symptom list that takes about 10 minutes to do, and turn it in within the timeframe requested.

• Either attend the LIVE Wednesday Group Call and healing, or listen to the full recording (90 minutes long and accessible by Thursday morning) each week. 

• Complete a 25 minute self -treatment 5 times a week, at your convenience. It is simple and we guide you how to do it.

• If you still haven't noticed any improvements, email or text us within 5 days of the end of your package to request a refund. We take all the risk so you don't have to! That is our Money Back Guarantee to you.

Discover The Three Primaries™:

The Beacon to Your Ultimate Self

  • Remember Who You Are - Awaken and embrace to the truth that you are a light being on a human journey to become more conscious. This is one of our core tenets, for in the throes of 'everyday living' that can link with fear and doubt, pain and illness, we forgot the strength and light that truly reside within us and how to live from it.

  • Recognize Your Emotional and Energetic Loops - Uncover the patterns that have kept you tethered to past experiences and looping in toxicity and denseness. Surprisingly, these patterns often form the basis of physical, emotional and mental symptoms. Through our reflective practices, see them for what they are, learn the secrets to breaking free and step into the realm of infinite possibilities.

  • Take Your Place - Be who you came here to be: Claim and emanate your true authenticity. With our guidance and facilitation resulting from 50+ years of professional experience, you will tap into the boundless potential within and consciously allow yourself to become the person you were meant to be, living the life you were meant to live.

We Have Healing Packages starting at $227 a week.

Book A Free Consultation Now!

Sorry, we've been busy! There are no consults currently available.

You can join the waiting list below when consults become available!

Pick a Date and Time


Available Starting times for Tue, Oct 15, 2024

Need Financial Assistance?

Join our Scholarship Waitlist

Nedrra and Daerick have found a way to support those who wish to be a part of their community but cannot afford their regular rates, by providing this scholarship program.

The money-back guarantee does not apply to scholarship and financial assistance packages.

What is the Difference Between Packages?

Here is a quick video explaining the difference and which you might want to choose.

Choose Your Healing Package

If you don’t notice any difference after 6 weeks of treatments, we will refund you 100%



Weekly subscription. Pay as you go.

  • Cancel or resubscribe anytime

  • 3 treatments per week done in small private groups in a way that is so effective we can still offer our guarantee.

  • Self Paced Introductory Course

  • 100's of hours of recorded teachings to learn how to heal yourself

  • Weekly live group call where Nedrra & Daerick teach about furthering your self healing and answer questions

  • 100% Money Back Guarantee*

Have Questions? Ask in the chatbox!



$875 Per Week

  • Fastest Plan to Healing

  • ​16 Private Healing Sessions by Distance

  • 3 individual treatments plus 1 group treatment per week for 4 weeks

  • Self Paced Introductory Course

  • 100's of hours of recorded teachings to learn how to heal yourself

  • Weekly live group call where Nedrra & Daerick teach about furthering your self healing and answer questions

  • 100% Money Back Guarantee*

Average 2-3 week waitlist to start healing

Have Questions? Ask in the chatbox!

Conditions Daerick does NOT work with: Bipolar, Schizophrenia(or other serious mental disorders), advanced ALS, serious back or neck pain due to injury(if back pain is due to inflammation or arthritis then Daerick has success with this), curses, black magic, and Witchcraft.

Our Guarantee

If you are not noticing any difference in any area, we will refund your payment in full. In order to qualify for a refund you must complete the following:

  1. Complete 6 weeks of the healing package or 4 weeks of the Premium healing package.

  2. Fill out a weekly questionnaire and update your online symptom list every Sunday to let Nedrra & Daerick know how you are doing and what symptoms have improved or not.

  3. Either attend the live group call and healing, or listen to the full recording (accessible by Thursday morning) each week.

  4. Listen on your own at least 3 times a week to the most current guided healing meditation we provide every Wednesday evening.



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  • Lesson: Explain what they're going to get/learn

  • Lesson: Explain what they're going to get/learn

  • Lesson: Explain what they're going to get/learn



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  • Lesson: Explain what they're going to get/learn

  • Lesson: Explain what they're going to get/learn

  • Lesson: Explain what they're going to get/learn


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"Everything I wanted"

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"Worth every penny"

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HEY, STILL Got questions?

We got answers!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt recusandae.

+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

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+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Some people are looking for medical intuitives, spiritual healers, quantum healers,

psychic healers, medical mediums, shamans, kahunas, Reiki practitioners etc.

Our concern is not our titles or even focusing on the diagnosis.

Our concern is your healing and Consciousness Evolution.

All of our work is based on you actually feeling the difference. Your body has the ability to heal itself

and we are here to help you experience that.

Copyright © 2016-2024 Volcano Island Haven, LLC. All rights reserved.


Daerick and Nedrra Lanakila are not licensed medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopathic physicians, naturopathic doctors, nutritionists, pharmacists, psychologists, psychotherapists, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Therefore, Daerick and Nedrra Lanakila do not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor do they provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. Nothing in this website should be construed to constitute healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. Daerick and NedrraLanakila encourage you to seek the care of a licensed healthcare professional if you believe such care is required. Information or guidance provided by Daerick Lanakila should not be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. Daerick and Nedrra Lanakila make no guarantees or warranties related to these service.

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